Valor Oil

Revision as of 12:59, 2 February 2015 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

Special Precautions of Valor Oil

Health Benefits and uses of Valor Oil are

Valor essential oil blend helps balance electrical energies within the body, giving courage, confidence, and self-esteem. It has been found to help the body self-correct its balance and alignment, giving relief of pain. The oils in this blend empower the physical and spiritual bodies to overcome fear and opposition when facing adversity. It has been touted as a chiropractor in a bottle. It has improved scoliosis for some in as little as 30 minutes, while other individuals require several applications. Valor has also been shown to change anaerobic-mutated cells back to their aerobic state.


  • Rosewood (Aniba roseodora) is soothing and nourishing to the skin. It has been researched at Weber State university for its inhibition rate against gram positive and gram negative bacterial growth. This oil is soothing, creates elasticity, and helps the skin rid itself of irritations and problems, such as candida. It is anti-infectious, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antiparasitic.
  • Blue Tansy (Tanacetum annuum) may help cleanse the liver and calm the lymphatic system, helping one to overcome anger and negative emotions, promoting a feeling of self-control. Its primary constituents are limonene and sesquiterpenes. European research shows that it works as an antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, and stimulant for the thymus gland, reducing dermatitis, arthritis, sciatica, tuberculosis, and allergies.
  • Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) is considered a holy anointing oil in the Middle East and has been used in religious ceremonies for thousands of years. High in sesquiterpenes, it helps stimulate the limbic part of the brain, which elevates the mind, helping to overcome stress and despair. It is used in European medicine to combat depression.
  • Spruce (Picea mariana) helps to open and release emotional blocks, bringing about a feeling of balance and grounding. Traditionally, spruce oil was believed to possess the frequency of prosperity. Spruce is anti-infectious, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory. in a base of coconut oil.

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Last modified on 2 February 2015, at 12:59