Shark Cartilage

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Special Precautions of Shark Cartilage

Consult your doctor before using any presented information as a form of treatment. Use alternative cancer treatments as a supplement to treatments you receive from your doctor — not as a substitute for medical care. Apply the treatment only under control of an expert.

The benefits of Shark Cartilage are

Much attention has been focused on shark cartilage as a treatment for cancer. It is believed that it inhibits a tumor's ability to create new blood vessels thereby starving it away. Questions have arisen about the statement that "Shark's don't get cancer." New studies may show that sharks do get cancer, but even if they don't, it is has been theorized that this may be because of the mineral rich environment sharks live in and not due to the "shark cartilage." More information is needed on this type of therapy. One of the most popular sources of shark cartilage is BeneFin by Lane Labs.


Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.