Siberian Pine

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The curative properties of Siberian Pines have been known to medicine from the earliest times. Even the Sumerians used extracts, broths of Siberian Pine needles, as compresses and poultices. Modern scientific medicine, just as many more ancient teachings regarding health—Eastern, Tibetan, Vedic—confirm the great medicinal properties of the Siberian Pine. Literally everything in it—from its green needles to pieces of bark—is of benefit to people and the entire environment. Berries and all plants growing in Siberian Pine forests are richer in vitamins and provitamins than those growing in other forests. This can be explained by the fact that the bactericides and fungicides of the Siberian Pine actively contribute to the formation in plants and fruits of vitamins and other biologically active substances. Bactericides and fungicides have a beneficial effect on people as well, first and foremost on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and respiratory organs.

  • The bactericidal and fungicidal properties of the Siberian Pine are amazing: the air in a Siberian Pine forest is practically free of pathogenic microbes. Over a twenty-four hour period, a hectare of these coniferous giants emits more than 30 kg of airborne organic substances, which have an immense bactericidal strength. In the opinion of researchers, this quantity of bactericides and fungicides is sufficient to render all the pathogenic microbes in a large city harmless. In the interaction of the Siberian Pine's bactericides and fungicides with ozone (O 3 ), the ozone molecules are activated, and their energy increases threefold in comparison with a normal molecule of oxygen. Thus, ozonides (O 3 -), which possess great bactericidal and medicinal properties, are continually formed in the air of Siberian Pine forests. In addition, the Siberian Pine's bactericides and fungicides increase the air's content of light negative ions, exerting a regulating influence on living cells and tissues, and making harmonious connections with all processes occurring both in the human organism as a whole, as well as each individual cell. Even among ancient medical practices (Eastern, Tibetan, Vedic), natural Siberian Siberian Pine essential oil was known as an effective remedy in bronchitis and infections of the urogenital system.
  • In modern aroma therapy, natural Siberian Pine tree essential oil is also used in infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, and has a successful anti-inflammatory, alleviating, and expectorant effect on the respiratory organs; it eliminates bronchospasms (including asthmatic bronchospasms), eliminates coughing fits, reduces edema of the mucous nasopharynx. It is a powerful substance for strengthening immunity: for a cold it is used effectively in mixtures for massages, baths, and inhalations. Because of its great bactericidal properties with respect to microorganisms, fungi, and viruses, natural Siberian Pine tree essential oil is widely and successfully used in infectious inflammatory diseases of the bladder and ureters, and also in the treatment of gynecological diseases.
  • Natural Siberian Pine tree essential oil is an excellent substance for maintaining the tonicity of the vessels and strengthening their walls: it increases blood exchange, has a stimulating effect on the cardiovascular system as a whole, especially in physical loads, it improves the conductivity processes in the myocardium, eliminates functional disturbances of cardiac rhythm. It is helpful in disorders such as varicose veins, cowperitis, and hemorrhoids.
  • In dentistry, Siberian Pine tree essential oil is used effectively in toothaches, paradontosis, and other diseases of the oral cavity.
  • In rheumatism, osteochondrosis, and arthritis, it eliminates pain and inflammation of the joints. It is successfully used in neuralgia and muscles strains.
  • The warm, woody resinous aroma of the Siberian Pine tree increases the adaptational capabilities of people to changes in the environment—it is recommended to inhale the aroma of the Siberian Pine in cases of weather affective disorders, change of climate or time zones.
  • Also very highly valued is the regulating influence of natural Siberian Pine tree essential oil on the central and autonomic nervous system: in insomnia and neuroses it is calming, in fatigue and a lack of energy it tones, it increases mental and physical activity, it eliminates psychological discomfort, restores a feeling of self-confidence. This property of Siberian Pine oil can be especially felt after taking a hot (38?C) bath while adding 20 to 30 drops of essential oil: in 15 to 20 minutes a feeling of lightness and youthfulness is apparent, fatigue disappears, stress is eliminated. A longer bath with drops of Siberian Pine tree essential oil assists in relaxing the muscles and helps one to fall asleep quickly after the bath. In this case, sleep becomes peaceful and deep: with the regular use of natural Siberian Pine tree essential oil in aroma baths, aroma rooms, inhalations, and aroma massage as an adaptogen, the rapid restoration of the activity of the cerebral cortex is noted.