St. Gerard

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St. Gerard

Other Names :


  • Children (and unborn children in particular);
  • childbirth; mothers (and expectant mothers in particular)
  • motherhood
  • falsely accused people


Gerard Majella, C.Ss.R. was a lay brother in the Redemptrist Order and is a saint honored throughout the world, not only in Italy but especially in the United States and Canada. He was on this earth only 29 years, but had a tremendous impact on those around him.

He was known especially for caring for the poor and for many miracles that seemed to be impossible. He is said to have increased a family's small supply of grain that then lasted until the last harvest; walked on water to help rescue a group of fisherman; and many others including the ability to bi-locate and to read people's souls.

He especially invoked by expectant mothers due to an incident that happened after his death. He had dropped a handkerchief at a home in Oliveto Citra, where he went to visit, and a little girl in the family ran after him to give it to him. He told her to keep it, which she did. As an adult this young girl was giving birth and it appeared that she was about to die. She remembered the incident, and asked that it be brought to her. It was placed on her womb and immediately the pain ceased and she gave birth to a healthy baby. The handkerchief was passed on from generation to generation. It is for this reason that he is invoked by so many expectant parents.

Celebration Day
