Tomato Leaf

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Other Names : solanum lycopersicum, Tomato Leaf extract, Tomato Leaf absolute, Tomato Leaf essential oil

Special Precautions of Tomato Leaf

Tomato plant belongs to the family of nightshade. The tomato leaf is UNSAFE. In large amounts, tomato leaves can cause poisoning. Symptoms of poisoning may include severe mouth and throat irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, mild spasms, and death in severe cases.

Health Benefits of Tomato Leaf

It is a best medicine for the diabetic patients controls the sugar level naturally without leaving any side effects on health. It helps in regulating the urinary disorders and effectively cleans the system.

This absolute oil provides beneficial results in curing the overweight and obesity problem which is the major reason of causing the various health ailments. It can be used externally to get relief from the joint pains and sprains problems.

This oil is best for those people who are suffering from headache and nervous ailments. It is widely used to provide relief from aches and pains.

It is also popular in cosmetic industry as it is quite beneficial for eradicating the signs of sunburn, burns and ageing. It is also helpful in removing excessive oil from face thus leaves the skin glowing and smooth. This absolute oil is also helpful for obese people who are suffering from obesity which is the major cause of various health ailments.

It is also effective for diabetic patients as it controls their sugar level without causing any side effect. It is also helpful in promoting good urination thereby effectively clean the internal organs. It is also used to provide relief from the joint pains and sprain problems. Besides this, it is also used as an insect repellent.