Pluchea indica

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Other Names : Beluntas, Baccharis indica,

special Precautions of Pluchea indica

  • Pregnant Women are prohibited from consuming this plant and not good for women because it can reduce woman's fertility.

Health Benefits and Uses of Pluchea indica

  • Digestive Disorders in Children : Wash 3-5 leaves beluntas, knead, mix with porridge or rice strain teams, stir, and eat. Perform each meal. Alternatively, squeeze 10 leaves, add 1 tablespoon of honey, and mix well. Combine this mixture on the team or porridge rice strain to be given with each meal.
  • Rheumatic pain : Take 15 grams of root Beluntas, wash and boil with water and drinking water was boiled roots
  • Eliminates body odor : Leaves and flowers beluntas contain alkali can be used as an antiseptic.

How to use leaf beluntas to eliminate body odor is eaten raw or steamed first. Rinse leaves beluntas 10-15 and then eat as a salad. Perform routine 3 times a day. In addition to eliminating body odor Beluntas leaves also can eliminate bad breath. For those who do not like, can by drinking boiled water leaves every morning and evening. Beluntas also useful lower body temperature, so much sweat that comes out and the body temperature to drop.

  • Lowering Heat : Brewed beluntas like brewing tea leaves, then drink until normal body temperature.Category/Herbal medicine