Embelia ribes

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Embelia Ribes

Other Names : Devnagari : विडंग, Gujarati, વાવડીંગ, False Black Pepper, White-flowered Embelia, Vidanga, Vaividang, Vai Vidang
Part used : Fruits, root

Special Precautions of Embelia Ribes

  • Because of its contraceptive effect, its long term usage should be done with care in cases of infertility.
  • pregnant women should seek medical advice.

Benefits and uses of Embelia Ribes are

  • Appetiser
  • Mild laxative
  • Carminative: Either prevents formation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract or facilitates the expulsion of gas
  • Anthelmintic: Useful against tapeworms, but not other parasites.
  • Alexiteric: It is believed to be useful in snake bite (resists poison),[medical citation needed] but it is not sufficient antidote to the venom.
  • anthelmintic, alterative and tonic, and recommended along with liquorice root, for the purpose of strengthening the body and preventing the effects of age.
  • Vidhang fruit extract has cestocidal activity and has activity against Ascaridia galli in infected fowl.
  • detoxifies blood, hence useful in wide range of skin diseases.
  • contraceptive effect, along with Pippali (long pepper)
  • improves skin complexion and also used for rejuvenation purpose.
  • Its water decoction is used for oil pulling to relieve dental caries and bad breath.
  • mild diuretic action. Hence used in dysuria.
  • useful against vomiting, bloating, indigestion, gastritis and constipation.
  • widely used in weight loss treatment. Hence ingredient of many medicines like Amrutadi Guggulu.
  • It is a common practice to put a few berries of the plant in the milk that is given to young children as it is believed to prevent flatulence.

Used in Patent medicine