Rose apple

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Syzygium jambos

Other Names : Syzygium jambos, ಪನ್ನೇರಳೆ ,Malabar Plum, champakka, Mountain Apple (champoo), chom pu, chom-phu, plum rose, water apple, Cloud apple, Wax apple, Malay apple, jambrosade, Pau Têe, yambo, dambo, tampoy
Despite its name, Rose apple is not related to apples or roses. In fact, rose apples are actually closely related to the guava family. Its scientific name is Syzgium jambos, the rose apple comes from a shrub or small tree native to Southeast Asian countries. The plant species then spread to other parts of the world a few hundred years ago and was primarily used as an ornamental plant. The rose apple tree is considered invasive in that it can grow and multiple rather quickly, overtaking other local flowers and plant species.

Special Precautions of Rose apple

  • You need to be careful in using rose apple preparations due to toxicity risk, advise the experts at Purdue. The rose apple's seeds are poisonous, as are its roots. There's an unknown amount of hydrocyanic acid, also called prussic acid or cyanide, in the plant's stems, roots and leaves. Hydrocyanic acid poisoning can be fatal.
  • Rose apples look very similar to guava, and at most times are mistaken as such. Rose apple however has its own distinct texture, flavor, and odor.

Health Benefits and uses of Rose apple

  • The high tannin content of rose apple bark extract gives it antibiotic properties that may be useful for fighting staph infections --- at least in lab tests, according to Djippa.
  • Digestion : Rose apples are known to have high amounts of fiber- a substance that is excellent in controlling the passage of food along the digestive tract. High fiber foods alleviate common digestive issues such as constipation and gas. In traditional medicine, locals use the seeds of rose apples to effectively prevent dysentery and diarrhea.
  • Cancer Prevention : The active organic compounds in rose apples are excellent in preventing the development of certain types of cancer. When combined with Vitamins C and A- vitamins that are present in rose apples, it can surely prevent the abnormal growth of breast and prostate cancer cells.
  • skin diseases : J.R. Kuiate, lead author for a study published in "Phytotherapy Research," found in lab studies that the plant's stem bark may be useful for fighting some skin diseases. The bark's active compounds, betulinic acid and friedelolactone, are active against fungal infections on the skin that are common in Camaroon, Kuiate notes.
  • The alkaloid called jambosine, found in the tree trunk and root bark, is theorized to lower blood-glucose levels, which may be helpful with diabetes. Jambosine stops the conversion of starch into sugar. However, a 12-day study on jaman fruit extract, which also contains this alkaloid, found insignificant effects, says Mahpara Safdar, lead author for a study published in the "Pakistan Journal of Nutrition." Safdar notes the results are inconclusive, however, due to the short time frame of the study as well as the preservatives used in the extract.
  • Detoxify the Liver and Kidneys : If you want to clear out your live and kidney from toxic substances and compounds, you should use rose apples. It is an excellent diuretic substance that has been used in decoctions for detox purposes. It also boosts metabolic activity and improve overall health and function of vital body organs too.
  • Cholesterol Control : Rose apples are rich in fiber. In combination with other nutrients, rose apples are proven to significantly reduce the levels of bad cholesterols. Normal blood cholesterol levels mean that you are at low risk of developing cardiovascular illness such as heart attack, atherosclerosis, and coronary heart disease.
  • People in sub-Saharan Africa use the rose apple bark to treat infectious diseases, says C.D. Djippa, lead author for a study published in the "Journal of Ethnopharmacology."
  • A rose apple fruit infusion may work as a diuretic, according to Purdue University.
  • Rose apple seeds also are used to halt diarrhea, according to P. K. Warrier, lead author for "Indian Medicinal Plants."
  • In India, the fruit is used as a liver tonic and a brain tonic.
  • Preparations of the flowers also are used as fever-reducers.
  • In Cuba, people believe the rose apple root is an epilepsy remedy.
  • In Nicaragua, infusions of roasted and powdered seeds are used to benefit diabetics.
  • In Ayurvedic medicine, a dried mixture of rose apple vinegar and iron dust is used as a general tonic, a liver tonic and a blood tonic, according to the "Handbook on Ayurvedic Medicines," by H. Panda.
  • source of Oleanolic Acid