Winged Prickly Ash

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Northern Prickly Ash
Other Names: Zanthoxylum armatum / Xanthoxylum armatum, Frêne épineux, Poivre de Sichuan, Suterberry, तेजफल Tejphal, Darmar, Tumru, Timroo, মুক্থ্ৰূবী Mukthrubi, तिमुर Timur, Konda-Kasimi, ಜಿಮ್ಮೀ Jimmi, 竹叶花椒 , zhu ye hua jiao
The bark and berry are used to make medicine.

See also :

Special Precautions of Winged Prickly Ash

  • The bark and fruits are used as a fish poison

The benefits of Winged Prickly Ash are

  • The seeds and the bark are stomachic and vermifuge. They are used as an aromatic tonic in the treatment of fevers, dyspepsia, cholera, tropical diseases
  • The powdered seeds are eaten to rid the body of roundworm.
  • A decoction of 7-14 seeds is used in the treatment of abscesses, arthritis, bruises, gastritis, swellings etc. * A paste of the seeds is held between the teeth for about 10 minutes to relieve toothache
  • The fruits, branches and thorns are considered to be carminative and stomachic. They are used as a remedy for toothache
  • A paste of the leaves is applied externally to cuts and wounds
  • The resin contained in the bark, and especially in that of the roots, is powerfully stimulant and tonic.
  • The root is boiled in water for about 20 minutes and the filtered water drunk as an anthelmintic
  • An infusion of the leaves is drunk to relieve stomach pains
  • A paste of the leaves is applied externally to treat leucoderma.