Lovage Root Essential Oil

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Levisticum officinale

See also : Lovage

Special Precautions of Lovage Root Essential Oil

  • It is said to only use lovage oil in strict moderation.
  • It should be avoided by pregnant women or if you have kidney problems.
  • It can cause irritation to sensitive skin, so should be tested before using in general.
  • Care should be taken in bright sunlight as it is slightly phototoxic.
  • To be avoided during pregnancy.

Health Benefits and Uses of Lovage Root Essential Oil

Analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, calmative, carminative, deodorizer, depurative, detoxifier, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, galactagogue, hypotensor, laxative, nervine, parasiticide, revitalizing, stimulant (digestive, kidneys), stomachic, tonic (heart), warming.

  • Lovage Root Essential Oil has sedative and digestive properties.
  • Detox : Approximately 70% of this Lovage Root oil is made up by so-called Phthalides. These are two-pronged natural molecules which act similar to synthetic chelating agents. They are especially well suited to remove toxic two valenced metal ions such as Cadmium or Mercury from the organs.
  • Used in liver cleanses. Add lovage oil to warm compress and apply to area of the liver. Repeat one more time later in the day. Fast for the day drinking water with lemon.
  • It has sedative properties and is an emotional relaxant.
  • It helps us claim emotional sovereignty, no longer feeling like we our emotions are dictated by everything and everyone around us.
  • Lovage is a higher heart oil.