Chai hu

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Radix Bupleuri
Bupleurum chinense DC
Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Wild

Special Precautions of Chai hu

The benefits of Chai hu are

  • to disperse heat and fever, improve yang. For cold and influenza, alternating chill and fever, malaria, fullness in chest and rib cage, irregular menses, prolapse of uterus, and prolapse of rectum.
  • calming effect on CNS
  • pain relieving,
  • antipyretic, reducing heat
  • anti inflammation
  • effect on immune system
  • effect on digestive system
  • effect on heart and blood vessels
  • effect on excretion of urine﹕small amount improves urination and large amount does not have the effect
  • anti tumor
  • anti bacteria, virus, and amoeba
  • effect on metabolism
  • to reduce fever
  • cough
  • viral infection of the liver
  • to lower ALT and AST : [6]
  • for high lipids of blood
  • globus hystericus