Vitamin D

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Vitamin D can most commonly be absorbed through the sunlight – but ironically, there are still a lot of people who are suffering from Vitamin D deficiency. Studies have shown that there is a correlation between deficient vitamin D levels and depression. This is evident in people who live in cold Northern climates who, in winter, often feel irritable, depressed and angry due to the lack of exposure to sunlight. However, this can still be remedied through supplementation of Vitamin D, or much better, getting it directly from exposure to sunlight each day.

  • unrefined cod liver oil.
  • Salmon (wild-caught)
  • Other kinds of fish, including tuna, mackerel, sardines, shrimp, sole and flounder.
  • cow’s milk
  • Eggs
  • mushrooms

As vitamin D is fat soluble, it is generally recommended that it be taken with a meal containing fats. However, based on this study, it may be best to take vitamin D supplements with your largest meal of the day, which is likely to contain the most fat.

Special Precautions of Vitamin D

The benefits of Vitamin D are

Vitamin D is a collective way of referring to several forms of the said vitamin, two of which are most notably essential to humans: ergocalciferol (vitamin D2), as synthesized by plants; and cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), as synthesized by humans.

This vitamin may be obtained by consuming fish, fortified milk, and cod liver oil, among other sources. Exposure to sunlight is a good and necessary source of vitamin D, wherein a mere 10-minute exposure can have long-term benefits through preventing deficiency. The said vitamin’s key function lies in its healthy regulation of calcium and phosphorus blood levels, which enable its calcium-absorption role to significantly contribute in the formation of strong bones. Several effective benefits of vitamin D also extend to skin repair and maintenance.

Apart from its well-studied biological function and favourable contributions, and besides the evidence that showed how vitamin D is more potent than vaccination; there are several other health benefits strongly linked to vitamin D.

Immune system enhancement

A study in Denmark demonstrated why vitamin D should be consumed as often as possible. The researchers discovered that it aids in activating our immune system’s killer cells, which are more formally referred to as T cells.

The name itself suggests either a vital or destructive role, and the study results support the positive implication. These killer cells kill, arrest, destroy impaired cells — an act that largely combats potentially detrimental factors.

The best part is that immune system activation, in itself, is already a major protective factor in warding off a spectrum of ailments.

Links between two D’s: Vitamin D and Depression

Researchers from the US National Institute of Aging discovered that depression symptoms, particularly for elders aged 65 and above, occur due to insufficient amounts of vitamin D in their bodies. Given that direct sunlight exposure is a necessary move in order to prevent deficiencies, a link was established because seniors are more inclined to stay inside the house than engage in activities outside.

Led by Luigi Ferrucci, the study involved utilizing a scale called CES-D, which is a tool for measuring depression symptoms. Findings showed that those participants with poor results in the CES-D test simultaneously had lower vitamin D amounts in their bloodstream. On the other hand, better scores were found in those who had higher levels of the said vitamin.

Further research and evidence needs to be established, but the strong links have increasingly emerged.


Researchers from Loyola University Chicago published a review article, which claimed that diabetes can be prevented and delayed, and even those who are already clinically diagnosed may experience a reduction in diabetes-related complications due to ample consumption of Vitamin D.

The vitamin is believed to have a significant role in managing glucose intolerance by aiding insulin secretion and sensitivity, which in turn contributes to the risk reduction and management of diabetes. This explains the strong link between vitamin D deficiency and type 2 diabetes. As such, individuals who are at risk of developing the said chronic disease should be gauged in terms of whether they have ample or lacking levels of vitamin D.