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Sweet orange is a fruit. The peel and juice are used to make medicine.
See also : Limonoids

Special Precautions of Oranges

  • In children, taking large amounts of sweet orange peel is UNSAFE. It can cause colic, convulsions, or death.
  • Celiprolol (Celicard) interacts with sweet orange.
  • Ivermectin interacts with sweet orange.
  • Pravastatin (Pravachol) interacts with sweet orange.
  • Antibiotics (Quinolone antibiotics) interacts with sweet orange.
  • Fexofenadine (Allegra) interacts with sweet orange.
  • Medications moved by pumps in cells (P-Glycoprotein substrates) interacts with SWEET ORANGE

The benefits of Oranges are

  • reduce stroke risk in women : naturally occurring compounds called flavanones in citrus fruits are linked to reduced risk for ischemic stroke in women.
  • flavonoid compounds called hesperidin which reduce blood pressure and lower cardiovascular risk.
  • packed with antioxidants : Perhaps one of the most significant nutritional content of oranges is vitamin C. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant inside the body which neutralizes free radicals thereby preventing damage both outside and inside the cells. When cells are invaded by free radicals, it can significantly damage the cell’s DNA structure. When the DNA is damaged and erratic activity has caused mutations, the potential result would be cancer. This is an important reason to take enough vitamin C.Free radicals may also damage and injure the other cells in the body which can cause inflammation. Inflammatory processes may be hindered by vitamin C thus, the painful symptoms associated with inflammation are controlled. Common inflammatory conditions include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and asthma.
  • Vegan source of Vitamin D.
  • Oranges are rich in fiber : Oranges contain high amounts of fiber which helps keep the digestive system healthy. A healthy digestive system would mean proper absorption of nutrients for the body’s use and proper elimination of toxic wastes. The fibers also help relieve symptoms of constipation, reduce cholesterol levels thereby preventing atherosclerosis or the hardening of the arteries, and it also helps control blood sugar levels.
  • reduce heart disease risk : A report released by the World Health Organization (WHO) entitled “Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Disease” concluded that regular consumption of citrus fruits such as oranges can help protect one against heart diseases. Folate contained in oranges helps lower one important risk factor of cardiovascular diseases which is homocysteine. Potassium regulates blood pressure and is an important mineral that is responsible for ensuring that the heart pumps normally and rhythmically. Additionally, the flavonoids, carotenoids and vitamin C found in oranges have all been identified to exert protective effects to the heart.
  • regulate blood pressure levels : Potassium in oranges helps regulate blood pressure levels. Also, a flavonoid known as hesperidin and another mineral, magnesium, contribute to the blood pressure regulation effect of oranges. Healthy blood pressure levels are needed in order to ensure that the heart is pumping normally and that it is not overworked. An overworked heart can cause the organ to tire easily and give up, which leads to heart failure.
  • lower bad cholesterol : High levels of bad cholesterol, or LDL, in the body can cause significant impairment to the blood vessels and may cause life-threatening conditions such as heart attack and stroke. In order to lower your risk of developing these diseases, it is important that you include foods in your diet that could help you achieve this goal.Because oranges are rich in antioxidants, it can help lower cholesterol levels. Free radicals are responsible for oxidizing cholesterol. Once cholesterol is oxidized, it can then stick to the walls of the blood vessels and form fatty plaque build up. This can affect blood circulation by blocking it or completely obstructing blood flow which may cause death. The high vitamin C content of oranges neutralizes free radicals thereby preventing cholesterol oxidation.Also, oranges contain fiber, which sticks to the cholesterol and flushes it out of our system. Aside from this, orange peels contain an alkaloid called synephrine which also reduces cholesterol levels.
  • essential for healthy skin : Free radicals can cause premature aging, and of the signs of premature is damaged and unhealthy looking skin. Because these free radicals also damage skin cells, the skin may appear dry, old and wrinkly. Since oranges are packed with antioxidants, the fruit protects the skin from free radicals as well as skin damage. Antioxidants also have anti-aging properties which could make the skin feel soft, smooth, healthy and young-looking.
  • Oranges boost the function of the immune system : In a very busy world, it is essential that we keep our immune systems in tip-top shape. A weak immune system would allow us to get sick easily. On the other hand, a healthy immune system would mean that we live quality lives, doing what we love to do and with the people who matter.Vitamin C found in oranges help stimulates the body to produce white blood cells (WBC), our body’s main form of defense against invading organisms. At the first sign of foreign invasion, the body produces WBC to attack the pathogen. So your immune system will need all the help it can get. Boost the function of your immune system by eating Vitamin C-rich oranges.