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Whether breaking down foods or healing from injury, nearly every process the human body performs involves chemical reactions. Enzymes are proteins that act as the catalysts for these chemical reactions. Every cell in the body uses enzymes for building, maintenance, and repair.The human body produces many enzymes on its own, however natural production of enzymes begins to decline as early as age 25. Joint pain, circulatory problems, slower healing, and an increase in the incidence of disease are all too common with people who are enzyme deficient and suffering the effects of aging.

Special Precautions of Enzymes

The benefits of Enzymes are

  • food enzymes : Food enzymes are found naturally in raw food. They help with joint health, arterial health, and the immune system. You can increase your intake of these enzymes by eating a healthy organic diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, and avoiding processed foods. You can also take it one step further by opting for an entirely raw diet.
  • digestive enzymes : Digestive enzymes, true to their name, aid in the digestive process. They help the body break down fiber (cellulase), protein (protease), carbohydrates (amylase), and fats (lipase). They do all their work in the gastrointestinal tract and can help combat common issues such as indigestion, bloating, abdominal discomfort, and gas. Many people find that they require fewer medications and antacids when their digestive enzymes are in check.
  • systemic enzymes : Systemic enzymes help to build and maintain overall health. They may be taken to address specific issues, but just as often are used to promote prevention and provide general body support. Supported processes include the breakdown of excess mucus, fibrin, many toxins, allergens, and clotting factors.Many people use systemic enzymes as an alternative to NSAIDS, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, since they also can be helpful in the temporary reduction of inflammation. Unlike NSAIDS, systemic enzymes are able to pinpoint only the harmful circulating immune complexes (CICs) without suppressing the CICs that are beneficial.Systemic enzymes have also been found helpful for:
    • Fibrosis conditions caused by the hard, sticky protein called fibrin.
    • Reduction of scar tissue, also made up of fibrin.
    • Cleaning the blood of cellular waste and toxins, also improving liver function.
    • Improving immune system response by improving white blood cell efficiency.
    • Managing the overgrowth of yeast, putting less stress on your liver.

Taken in combination with a healthy diet, supplements of digestive and systemic enzymes can help your body fight the effects of aging and improve your overall health. A problem need not be present to experience the benefits of enzymes. Since they can help us absorb more vital nutrients from the foods we need, they can help a healthy body perform even better.