Black raspberry

See also : Red raspberry

Black raspberry
Other Names: Blackcap, Framboise Noire, Framboise Sauvage, Framboisier Noir, Framboisier de Virginie, Frambuesa Negra, Ronce, Ronce d’Occident, Ronce Occidentale, Rubus occidentalis, Thimbleberry, Virginia Raspberry. Black raspberry is a plant.
The fruit (berry) is a familiar food. The berry, along with the leaf, is also used to make medicine.

Special Precautions of Black raspberries

  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Black raspberry is safe for pregnant and breast-feeding women in food amounts. But larger medicinal amounts should be avoided until more is known.

The benefits of Black raspberries are

Black raspberries contain high levels of ellagic acid, anthocyanins and antioxidants, all of which have exceptional health benefits.

  • There is evidence to reveal that ellagic acid may combat wrinkles by protecting the collagen in skin tissue and reducing inflammation.
  • In addition, it appears that EA also confers some protection against the harmful rays of the sun.
  • The cardiovascular benefits of anthocyanins are the most well known; studies show that they can help prevent blood clots, improve blood circulation, relax blood vessels and prevent artherosclerosis.
  • They possess powerful anti-viral and anti-allergenic properties. Antioxidants are said to help destroy free radicals, the harmful molecules which gather in the body and can damage cells.
  • Cancer : Researchers at Ohio State University tested rats with colon and oesophageal tumours and found that when fed a diet rich in black raspberries, the size of the tumours decreased significantly. Further studies have shown that extracts of raspberries and blackberries may slow the growth of breast, cervical, colon and oesophageal cancers. Clinical trials have now begun to assess the effects of black raspberries on colon and oesophageal cancers in humans.
  • effective for Stomach pain.
  • oral cancer : anthocyanins, from black raspberries interfere with abnormal cell growth and reduce the risk of a recurrence of oral cancer.
  • Metabolic Syndrome  : Black raspberry extract shows promise in the treatment of metabolic syndrome (a group of risk factors that occur together and increase your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes). For a study published in Phytotherapy Research in 2014, 77 people with metabolic syndrome were given either black raspberry extract or a placebo for about three months. Compared to members of the placebo group, those who received black raspberry extract showed significantly greater decreases in total cholesterol. Black raspberry extract also appeared to reduce inflammation, as well as improve function in the layer of cells lining the inside of blood vessels (a factor that may promote better blood pressure control).
  • Ulcerative Colitis : A preliminary study published in the journal Carcinogenesis in 2011 suggests that black raspberry may help treat ulcerative colitis. In an experiment involving mice with ulcerative colitis, the study's authors found that animals fed a black-raspberry-enriched diet experienced a significant reduction in ulcerative colitis-related inflammation.
Last modified on 9 January 2015, at 03:28