

Other Names : Pinus succinifera
Amber oil is produced from the fossilized sap of the giant prehistoric conifer called : Pinus Succinefera. Amber is a fossil resin. The resin flowed out the bark, probably after previous injury, dried up and hardened. There is a different flow forms like e.g. drops, mass flows, and "drop-on-drop-flow" called "shlaubs" (Schlauben). The later has more fossil inclusions, because it resulted from thrust-wise resin flow. According to scientist, the oldest well-known amber originates from the carbon time and has an age of approximately 345 million years (Upper Carboniferous).

Special Precautions of Amber

Amber resin oil is safe and nonsensitive, but should not be taken internally.

Health Benefits and Uses of Amber

  • The aroma, when used in a diffuser, is capable of providing a good night sleep.
  • Skin benefits : being used to clean the pores. It has anti-aging properties and may rejuvenate the skin. It is capable of improving elasticity and treating skin conditions such as acne and eczema.
  • to relieve heart palpitations
  • as an aphrodisiac.
  • to treat muscle aches and pains due to its analgesic properties.
  • encourages harmony and balance and helps to calm the mind.
Last modified on 29 January 2017, at 06:33