
Anal Fistula

621 bytes added, 08:26, 13 September 2015
/* Natural Remedies */
== Natural Remedies ==
*Diet plays an important role for the treatment of anal fistula. High fiber diet is recommended. This diet increases the amount of stools in the intestines. Fiber is made up of large carbohydrates molecules. Example of high fiber diet are: - Brown bread, Brown rice,Barley,Banana,Orange,Papaya,Apple,Pear,Broccoli,Cauliflower,Spinach,Carrot,Reddish,Tomato,Onion and Green pepper.
*Avoid very spicy, hot food items.
*Eat half cup of raw cabbage juice daily.
*Drink plenty of water.
*Many people do have habit of eating food which is prepared from flour with lots of sugar, spices and oil which is very harmful for health.
== Warnings ==
Bureaucrat, administrator