

728 bytes added, 06:26, 13 February 2019
/* The benefits of Atractylodes are */
* Tonifies the Spleen and augments Qi
**Spleen and Stomach Deficiency with diarrhea, fatigue, a sallow complexion and lack of appetite
**Spleen Yang failure to rise
*Dries Dampness and promotes water metabolism
**Spleen Damp or accumulation of fluids affecting the digestion
**Edema and reduced urination due to Spleen Deficiency (failure to transform and transport)
**Tan Yin, masses, swelling
**Auxiliary for Damp painful obstruction
*Stabilizes the Exterior and stops sweating
**Qi Deficiency with spontaneous sweating (Wei Qi Deficiency)
**With appropriate herbs, other types of sweating
*Calms the fetus
**Restless fetus disorder due to Spleen Qi Deficiency
**With appropriate herbs, other types of Restless Fetus Disorder
==Used in Patent medecines==
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