
Revision as of 06:00, 12 January 2014 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

Bael Fruit

Other Names: Aegle marmelos, Arbre de Bael, Bael Tree, Bel, Bel Indien, Bengal Quince, Bilva, Bilwa, Cognassier du Bengale, Coing du Bengale, Indian Bael, Manzana de Piedra, Membrillo de Bengala, Pomme du Bengale, Shivaphala, Stone Apple.
Bael is a plant. The unripe fruit, root, leaf, and branch are used to make medicine.

Special Precautions of Flavonoids

Benefits and uses of Flavonoids are

  • Celiac Disease : The procedure is very simple. Break open the outer shell of the fruit. Remove the seeds, add honey or powdered jiggery.
  • constipation and diarrhea.
  • Hemorrhoids : Bael contains many beneficial ingredients that fight hemorrhoids. Bael contains rutin, which improves the permeability of capillaries and blood vessels. This helps prevent swelling during elimination. Rutin is a vein healer and promotes healthy circulation. Bael also contains quercetin, which is a flavonoid that helps retain mucus in the intestines to make elimination easier. Bael is known for its gentle laxative effect that keeps stool soft.


Last modified on 12 January 2014, at 06:00