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/* Special Precautions of CBD Oil */
There are at least 85 different types of cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. The two most commonly known are Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD), which get you “high” and treat epileptic seizures, respectively. Concentrated CBD oil does not contain THC, and therefore is not psychoactive.<br>See also : [[Hemp Oil]]
==Special Precautions of CBD Oil==
* See preacutions precautions of [[Hemp]]
* Cannabidiol can inhibit the cytochrome P-450 system’s ability to metabolize certain drugs, which leads to an overall increase in processing times. This leads to higher levels of the drug in your system at one time, which can cause unwanted side effects and even overdose. Thus, if you are taking a drug affected by cannabidiol, you may need a dosage adjustment in order to take both drugs safely.
Bureaucrat, administrator