

2 bytes added, 15:11, 12 February 2017
** [[Veratrum Album]] :* [[Veratrum Album]] (White Hellebore) was one of the three great remedies Hahnemann successfully used two hundred years ago to eradicate cholera epidemics (the others were Camphor and Cuprum). And of course it can still cure cholera even today. violent vomiting with continues nausea; great prostration; vomiting of food, of acid, bitter, white, or yellow-green mucus. Vomiting, with diarrhea and pressure in the pit of the stomach; while vomiting the abdomen is painfully contracted; vomiting whenever he moves or drink; nausea with violent thirst. Salivation and increased flow of urine; great sensitiveness of stomach; Burning in the pit of the stomach; great sensitive of the abdomen to touch; nausea with sensation of fainting generally with violent thirst; bitter taste in mouth; vomiting and diarrhea after least food. Violent unquenchable thirst of cold water; voracious appetite; appetite and hunger between the paroxysms of vomiting; cool sensation in the mouth as from peppermint.
**[[Aethusa]] cynapium – violent vomiting (in children) of curdled milk; of green mucus; violent vomiting with diarrhea; green mucus, or bloody substance; sensation of coldness in the abdomen; black bluish swelling of the abdomen; loose stool preceded by cutting in the abdomen; with tenesmus in the morning, after rising; diarrhea-discharges green, thin, bilious, with violent tenesmus; bloody stools
** [[Carbo VegetalisVegetabilis]] is indicated in collapse stage of cholera; frequent vomiting and diarrhea; vomiting of sour, bilious, and bloody masses; frequent, involuntary, cadaverous smelling stool, followed by burning; collapse with Hippocratic face, body is icy cold; cold breath, cold sweat and cold tongue; pulse is thread and flickering and nonpalpable at wrist, cyanosis, air hunger, wants to be fanned constantly. Soon after that coma supervenes and death seems imminent
**[[Ipecac]] – nausea, very easy, copious vomiting and sudden profuse rice water like stool; loud noise in the abdomen like gurgling of water; coldness and cramps in the body, it is a valuable remedy in cholera.
** [[Arsenicum Album]] is an excellent remedy for cholera infentum; it has undigested stools and rapid emaciation; for cholera in adults; it has more restlessness and less sweat; there is thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals; intense vomiting and purging; profuse offensive yellow or brown stools.
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