

7,112 bytes added, 16:52, 12 February 2017
/* Treatments */
* [[Karpoorasava]]Cholera (also known as Asiatic cholera or epidemic cholera is an acute enterotoxin-mediated gastrointestinal infection caused by the gram negative bacillus Vibrio cholera, It promotes fluid and electrolyte loss and, possibly, hypovolemic shock, metabolic acidosis, and death. A similar bacterium, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, causes food poisoning. Even with prompt diagnosis and treatment, cholera is fatal in up to 2% of children; in adults, it’s fatal in less than 1% however, untreated cholera may be fatal in as many as 50% of patients. Cholera infection confers only transient community.==Symptoms==Some people infected with cholera bacteria have no symptoms, although these people are still a potential source of infection because the bacteria pass out of the body in their feces. When symptoms do occur they may appear anywhere between six hours and five days after the initial infection with the bacteria. The most common symptom of cholera is mild diarrhoea, and in about 10 % cases the symptoms are severe, with profuse watery diarrhea and vomiting. In such cases fluid loss may be substantial, as much as quart, of fluid per hour, which can lead to rapid dehydration. The dehydration itself causes additional symptoms and signs, including a dry mouth and mucus membrane, thirst, lethargy, rapid heart rate, and leg cramps. If not treated, severe dehydration can be fatal within hours.==Treatments==
* [[Valerian]] : In Europe, Valerian essential oil has been used for cholera, epilepsy, and various skin complaints.
* [[Rose Essential Oil]] is a good bactericide. It can be used in treatment of typhoid, diarrhea, cholera, food poisoning and other diseases which are caused by bacteria.
* [[Fennel]] : Recent scientific studies show that simple spices, which include sweet fennel and red chili, are potentially effective in fighting and slowing the growth of certain bacteria associated with cholera.
* [[White pepper]] : extracts of red chili, sweet fennel and white pepper could substantially inhibit cholera toxin (CT) production.
* [[Indian Long Pepper]] has been applied in the treatment of scarlatine, cholera, diarrhoea, vertigo, arthritis and paralytic disorders.
* Chili Pepper : Common spices such as garlic, red chilli and white pepper drastically inhibited cholera toxin production from different strains of the germ that cause cholera.* [[Costus]] oil is used for asthma, cough, gas, and severe intestinal diseases such as dysentery and cholera. * [[White pepper]]* [[Veratrum Album]]* [[White Hellebore]] * [[Colloidal Silver]]* [[Fiber]]is used to treat infections due to yeast; bacteria (tuberculosis, Lyme disease, bubonic plague, pneumonia, leprosy, gonorrhea, syphilis, scarlet fever, stomach ulcers, cholera); parasites (ringworm, malaria); and viruses (HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, herpes, shingles, warts).* [[Streblus Asper]]is used traditionally in the treatment of cancer (Rastogi & Dhawan, 1990), cholera, colic, diarrhea, dysentery, menorrhagia (Bhakuni et al., 1969), epilepsy and inflammatory swelling (Jain, 1991).* [[Kvass]]* [[Pleurotus Eryngii]]: in XIX century scientists found out that kvass has bactericidal properties: in 20 minutes it killed Vibrio cholerae and typhoid bacillus.
* [[Podophyllum]]
* [[Gastroenteritis]]
* [[Resistant Starch]]
* [[Winged Prickly Ash]]
* Ayurveda : * [[Karpoorasava]]
* Homeopathy :
** [[Veratrum Album]] :* [[Veratrum Album]] (White Hellebore) was one of the three great remedies Hahnemann successfully used two hundred years ago to eradicate cholera epidemics (the others were Camphor and Cuprum). And of course it can still cure cholera even today. violent vomiting with continues nausea; great prostration; vomiting of food, of acid, bitter, white, or yellow-green mucus. Vomiting, with diarrhea and pressure in the pit of the stomach; while vomiting the abdomen is painfully contracted; vomiting whenever he moves or drink; nausea with violent thirst. Salivation and increased flow of urine; great sensitiveness of stomach; Burning in the pit of the stomach; great sensitive of the abdomen to touch; nausea with sensation of fainting generally with violent thirst; bitter taste in mouth; vomiting and diarrhea after least food. Violent unquenchable thirst of cold water; voracious appetite; appetite and hunger between the paroxysms of vomiting; cool sensation in the mouth as from peppermint.
**[[Aethusa]] cynapium – violent vomiting (in children) of curdled milk; of green mucus; violent vomiting with diarrhea; green mucus, or bloody substance; sensation of coldness in the abdomen; black bluish swelling of the abdomen; loose stool preceded by cutting in the abdomen; with tenesmus in the morning, after rising; diarrhea-discharges green, thin, bilious, with violent tenesmus; bloody stools
** [[Carbo Vegetabilis]] is indicated in collapse stage of cholera; frequent vomiting and diarrhea; vomiting of sour, bilious, and bloody masses; frequent, involuntary, cadaverous smelling stool, followed by burning; collapse with Hippocratic face, body is icy cold; cold breath, cold sweat and cold tongue; pulse is thread and flickering and nonpalpable at wrist, cyanosis, air hunger, wants to be fanned constantly. Soon after that coma supervenes and death seems imminent
**[[Ipecac]] – nausea, very easy, copious vomiting and sudden profuse rice water like stool; loud noise in the abdomen like gurgling of water; coldness and cramps in the body, it is a valuable remedy in cholera.
** [[Arsenicum Album]] is an excellent remedy for cholera infentum; it has undigested stools and rapid emaciation; for cholera in adults; it has more restlessness and less sweat; there is thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals; intense vomiting and purging; profuse offensive yellow or brown stools.
**[[Camphora]] – early stage of cholera with collapse; coldness and sudden perspiration causing prostration; the patient is extremely cold and the discharge are scanty; there is also dryness and blueness of the face; there is no vitality to vomit or purge. Better by warmth; burning in stomach and esophagus; no sweat but great insatiable thirst.
**[[Secale Cornutum]] – for the last stage of cholera; when the patient desires to keep cool; Patient is almost pulse less and cold; and averse to being covered.
**[[Jatropha Curcas]] – first stage of cholera before collapse sets in. easy vomiting of large quantities of watery substance like albumin; watery diarrhea, contents of rectum gush out like a torrent, or evacuations thick and lumpy, albuminous instead of thin and watery; anxiety, with burning at stomach; suppression of urine; anguish, with coldness of body; viscid sweat; violent cramps in lower limbs; calves look like flat splints; abdomen flattened after many stools.
**[[Podophyllum]] – painless cholera morbus; stools profuse and gushing, involuntary during sleep and when passing flatus; very offensive, like carrion; sense of weakness in abdomen and rectum; loss of appetite; no thirst, or great thirst; violent cramps of feet, calves and thighs; gagging or empty retching; sinking feeling at epigastrium, with sensation as if everything would drop through the pelvis; stools aggravated at night and towards morning and liable to change color.
**[[Phosphorous]] – violent thirst for cold water, but vomits it immediately or as soon as it becomes warm in stomach; hiccough after eating, making the pit of stomach sore and aching; profuse diarrhea, pouring away as from a hydrant; rumbling in abdomen and debility, as a sequel to cholera.
**[[Nicotine]] – thirstlessness; without vomiting or diarrhea, with icy-cold forehead, and without any sign of action in the vegetative muscles; slow, irregular, intermittent pulse; oppressed breathing; anxiety about the chest; icy coldness from the knees to the toes; paralysis of the lower extremities, with formication in the legs; dizziness with nausea and anguis; death like paleness of the face, with nausea and clammy, cold perspiration while body is warm; small feeble pulse; coldness in the abdomen, with nausea and hiccough; burning in stomach, vomiting of water, only when moving; hepatic and renal region painful to touch.
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