
Colon Cancer

398 bytes added, 05:28, 24 December 2016
/* Home remedies */
== Home remedies ==
*Healthy intestinal flora bestows resistance to intestinal disorders such as constipation, diarrhea, diverticulitis, irritable bowel disease, ulcerative colitis (UC), Crohn's Disease, leaky gut syndrome, autoimmunity, and colon cancer.
* [[Ginger]] and its constituents have been studied to inhibit Colon Cancer.
* [[Inulin]] (resistent starch) appears to lower the risk of Colon Cancer. Plants that contain high concentrations of inulin include: [[Elecampane]], [[Coneflower]], [[Echinacea]] spp, [[Dandelion]], [[Wild Yam]], [[Jerusalem Artichoke]], [[Chicory root]], [[Jicama]], Burdock, [[Costus]] Saussurea lappa, Mugwort [[Artemisia Vulgaris]], [[Onions]], [[Garlic]] (Allium sativum), [[Agave]], [[Leopard's Bane]] [[Arnica]] montana, [[Yacón]], Camas.
*Eat more fermented food (probiotics) like [[Sauerkraut]]. Healthy intestinal flora bestows resistance to intestinal disorders such as constipation, diarrhea, diverticulitis, irritable bowel disease, ulcerative colitis (UC), Crohn's Disease, leaky gut syndrome, autoimmunity, and colon cancer.
* [[Ginger]] and its constituents have been studied to inhibit Colon Cancer.
* Consume more [[Cruciferous Vegetables]] like steamed [[broccoli]].
* [[Artichoke]]s contain [[silymarin]] which can lower the risk of cancer.
* Exercise : Try walking 10.000 staps every day.
* [[leekLeek]] contain allyl sulphides that help protect against many types of cancer, particularly colon and [[Prostate Cancer]].
* [[Vitamin B3]] : Niacin, or B3, works to reduce inflammation even if you’re not getting enough fiber. It keeps polyps from forming in the first place. And if you already have them, it keeps them from getting larger.
* Avoid sugar (soda, snacks with refined sugar,...)
* [[Vitamin D]] (Sun exposure or intake foods hogh in Vitamin D.)
* Increase [[Omega-3]] intake, like high quality [[Krill Oil]].
* Reduce intake of processed vegetable oils (Trans-fats).
*[[Limonoids]] have shown cytotoxicity to breast cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, neuroblastoma, leukemia, melanoma and non-small cell lung cancer.
* [[Apples]] : Oligosaccharides from apples (pectin and other fibers) killed up to 46 percent of human colon cancer cells in vitro
* [[Coffee]] contains hundreds of biologically active compounds, including potent antioxidant activity, the most unique antioxidant being methylpridinium. Methylpridinium is found almost exclusively in coffee. It has anticancer properties for colon cancer and prostate cancer.
* [[Resveratrol]] halts the growth of colorectal cancers.
* Increase [[melatonin]] by sleeping in complete darkness.
* [[Propolis]] showed strong cancer inhibitory effects against several colon cancers.
* [[Cinnamon]] may also reduce risks for Colon Cancer by helping to remove excess bile in the digestive tract and prevent the damage it can cause to colon cells.
* [[Pawpaw]] suppressed growth in cultured cells of several cancers, such as leukemia, small-cell Lung Cancer, Colon Cancer, Melanoma, Ovarian Cancer, Renal Cancer.
* Frequent consumption of [[mushrooms]] decreased the risk of [[Breast Cancer]], [[Stomach Cancer]] and Colon Cancer.
* Eat foods high in [[quercetin]], like onions. This can inhebit cancer growth in your body.
* [[Folate]] has been shown to reduce the risk of developing colorectal, ovarian, and breast cancers and to help stop uncontrolled cell growth, one of the primary characteristics of all cancers.
* Black [[Raspberry]] lowers the incidence of colorectal cancer by 45%. The study authors conclude that the high polyphenol content of the raspberries are likely to influence digestive gene targets and may be of benefit to other digestive cancer lines as well.
* [[Spinach]] protects the eyes, good for brain function, guards against Colon Cancer, [[Prostate Cancer]] and [[Breast Cancer]], protects against [[Heart Disease]], [[stroke]] and [[dementia]], it lowers blood pressure, it's anti-inflammatory and it's great for bone health.
* [[Beta-Cryptoxanthin]] (in papaya, mango, peaches, oranges, tangerines, bell peppers, corn and watermelon, egg yolk and butter)seems to reduce the risk of lung cancer and colon cancer.
* mustard [[Mustard]] contains special polysaccharides that can help preventing colon cancer.
* [[Lycopene]] in Tangerine Tomatoes is particularly effective in fighting [[Breast Cancer]] and [[Prostate Cancer]], [[Ovarian Cancer]], [[Cervical Cancer]], and Colon Cancer.
* Red Cabbage : A study on red cabbage shows that its glucosinolate compound can prevent a variety of cancers including [[Prostate Cancer]], Colon Cancer, [[Breast Cancer]] and [[Bladder Cancer]]. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, folate, manganese, dietary fiber and magnesium – all of which are strong cancer-fighting nutrients.
* [[Ruta Graveolens]] (homeopathy) shows promising treatment for brain cancer, colon Cancer and leukemia.
* [[Cloves]] : Researchers found that the clove extract halted the activity and growth of the colon cancer cells, the breast cancer cells, the ovarian cancer cells, the liver cancer and the colon cancer cells.
* Avoid exposure to environmental toxins.
* Avoid fried food.
* Marinate your meat in beer or wine or spices that can lower the risk of cancer-causing substances like heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). A study in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry found that marinating pork in beer for four hours before charcoal-grilling reduced the amount of PAHs by as much as 53%. You can also reduce exposure to these compounds by cleaning your grill regularly to remove excess char, cutting overly charred parts off of your meat, and even microwaving meat for 60 to 90 seconds before throwing it on the grill.
* [[Coffee]] contains hundreds of biologically active compounds, including potent antioxidant activity, the most unique antioxidant being methylpridinium. Methylpridinium is found almost exclusively in coffee. It has anticancer properties for colon cancer and prostate cancer.
== Alternative treatments ==
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