

332 bytes added, 08:45, 25 October 2014
/* Home remedies */
* Maple syrup compounds help fight diabetes, [[cancer]] and bacterial illnesses.
* [[Maqui Berry]] has been shown to greatly increase insulin production levels in the body. Individuals with diabetes or pre-diabetes can eat maqui to increase insulin and suppress blood glucose levels, as well as prevent the development of new fat cells.
* [[White Mulberry]] : Several animal-based studies indicate that white mulberry may help fight diabetes. These studies include a report published in Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine in 2013, in which tests on diabetic rats revealed that treatment with white mulberry anthocyanins helped lower the animals' blood sugar levels.
* [[Coffee]] has been linked to prevention of Parkinson’s, [[Liver Cancer]] and type 2 diabetes.
* Different foods and substances had been observed to improve the cells' response to insulin and promote the production of more insulin in the body. Some of them are magnesium, ginseng, flax seed, chromium, cinnamon, alpha-linoic acid, bilberry and gingko biloba.
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