

1,679 bytes added, 05:27, 28 April 2018
/* Home remedies */
See also : *[[Hyperglycemia (High Blood Sugar)]]*[[Metabolic Syndrome]]* [[Gestational Diabetes]]
== Causes and Symptoms ==
*Causes of Type 1 Diabetes : In type 1 diabetes, the body no longer makes insulin because the body's own immune system has attacked and destroyed the cells where insulin is made. The cause of this isn't entirely clear but it may include genetic risk factors and environmental factors. One theory is that type 1 diabetes may occur after having a specific virus. People with type 1 diabetes must take insulin every day to live. There is no known way to prevent or cure type 1 diabetes, but it can be controlled by keeping blood glucose (sugar) levels within a normal range.
* Nuts (especially Almonds and walnuts) have been shown to lower blood sugar by slowing the digestion of carbohydrates.
* [[Cinnamon]] may have a regulatory effect on blood sugar, making it especially beneficial for people with Type 2 diabetes.
* [[Ayurvedic Blood Sugar Formula]] provide nutrients for glandular support and normal-range blood sugar levels.
* [[Bilberry]] leaves have long been used in traditional medicine to control blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes, and we now know that all types of berries can help lower blood sugar levels after consuming meals high in sugar.
* [[Chromium]] stabilizes both high and low blood sugar, promotes fat burning and improves cholesterol levels.
* Studies on [[Ginkgo Biloba]] have shown that the botanical herb's strong antioxidant properties can help patients with type 2 diabetes.
* [[Mushrooms]] are low in carbohydrates and contain lean proteins, which make them an ideal low energy snack for diabetics.
* Maple syrup compounds help fight diabetes, [[cancer]] and bacterial illnesses.
* maqui berry [[Maqui Berry]] has been shown to greatly increase insulin production levels in the body. Individuals with diabetes or pre-diabetes can eat maqui to increase insulin and suppress blood glucose levels, as well as prevent the development of new fat cells.* [[White Mulberry]] : Several animal-based studies indicate that white mulberry may help fight diabetes. These studies include a report published in Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine in 2013, in which tests on diabetic rats revealed that treatment with white mulberry anthocyanins helped lower the animals' blood sugar levels.
* [[Coffee]] has been linked to prevention of Parkinson’s, [[Liver Cancer]] and type 2 diabetes.
* Different foods and substances had been observed to improve the cells' response to insulin and promote the production of more insulin in the body. Some of them are magnesium, ginseng, flax seed, chromium, cinnamon, alpha-linoic acid, bilberry and gingko biloba.
* A glass of wine a day helps prevent diabetes
* The flavonoid fisetin in [[strawberries]] helps protect the leaves and fruit from insects. In the human body, it has been shown to protect neurons and combat [[Alzheimer's Disease]]. It is also considered to be a weapon against [[Prostate Cancer]]. And now researchers have discovered it can fight diabetes.
* [[Rosemary]], [[oregano]] and [[marjoram]] extracts fight type 2 diabetes.
* [[Coconut]] and palm kernel oils naturally contained MCTs (Medium Chain Triglycerides). Metabolizing MCTs creates ketones. Recent research has shown that ketones help protect against [[Alzheimer's Disease]], [[Parkinson's Disease (PD)]], LS (Lou Gehrig's disease), Huntington's disease, Drug resistant epilepsy, Diabetes.
* Lack of Sleep Can Cause Diabetes : Going to bed too late or tossing turning all night can throw your body chemistry so out of whack that it causes your blood sugar to spike to unhealthy levels.
* Fats are a source of energy that does not raise blood glucose. For people on the diabetes spectrum, this is very important. Why ingest the carb and then require insulin to convert it to fat, when you can just eat the fat to begin with?
* people who consume more omega-3 fatty acids like those found in fish and flaxseeds are less likely to develop this metabolic disorder.
* [[Arginine]] helps the body metabolize glucose. Arginine can also help if you want to lower your risk of developing diabetes. Keeping your blood sugar in check now will help you prevent diabetes later.
*[[Spinach]]: Popeye got it right with this nutrient rich vegetable. Spinach contains its own type of plant based steroids called phytoecdysteroids. Phytoecdysteroids are similar to insect molting hormones and have been shown to dramatically increase glucose metabolism.
* [[Chard]] : Recent research reveals that the leaves of Swiss chard hold an abundance of syringic acid, an antioxidant that has incredible blood sugar stabilizing properties.* [[Marine Phytoplankton ]] alleviate mineral deficiency in the bloodstream, thereby helping to restore normal glucose levels.* Some preliminary research suggests that vinegar (both [[apple cider vinegar ]] and other types) may benefit people with diabetes.
* Naringenin, a molecule in [[grapefruit]]s that gives the fruit its bitter taste, can help to treat [[arteriosclerosis]], hyper-metabolism, and even diabetes.
* [[Auriculotherapy]], also called auricular therapy (applying pressure on various points on your outer ear) is helpfull to fight [[stress]], [[pain]], [[allergies]], [[High Blood Pressure]], [[insomnia]], excess weight, diabetes, [[Drug Abuse]],...
* [[Camu camu]] shows potential in the treatment of diabetes
* [[Spirulina ]] for type2 diabetes : researchers found that those assigned to 12 weeks of spirulina supplementation experienced a significant reduction in blood-fat levels.
* [[Turmeric]] is used for treating of diabetes.
* [[Fenugreek]] is known to help treat diabetes, lower blood sugar and bad [[cholesterol]] levels
* [[glucomannan]] may help improve diabetes control.
* [[Berberine]] gives you a well-rounded support for healthy blood glucose levels.
* [[Pterocarpus Marsupium]] leads to the significant reduction in the blood sugar levels, in diabetic patients.
* daily fasting for sixteen hours prevents weight gain and diabetes progression.
== Warnings ==
It should be noted that self-treating diabetes (or any other chronic condition) and avoiding or delaying standard care may be extremely harmful to your health.
== References ==
Bureaucrat, administrator