

78 bytes added, 17:35, 4 May 2012
/* Home remedies */
* researchers found that of the three teas, the polysaccharides in black tea had the most glucose-inhibiting properties.
* Brown seaweed found remarkably effective at breaking down fat cells, treating diabetes.
* [[Pau D'Arco arco]] is an extract from the inner bark of a certain South American tree. Lapachol, the active ingredient, can produce strong biological responses against cancer. It is said that the pau d'arco tree yields lapachol and 20 other compounds that may be useful in treating cancer, lupus, diabetes and [[Hodgkin's Disease]].
* Leaves of a Tropical Southeast Asian Tree : Banaba tree, Fight Diabetes.
* Stevia is a centuries-old folk remedy for diabetes.
* the [[Banaba]] leaves of bilberry contain a compound called corosolic acid, which has shown to have an been identified as one of the main agents for banaba's glucose lowering effect in controlling diabetes.
* taking American ginseng before eating can help in the reduction of blood sugar for those who are diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and for those who have normal blood sugar levels
* [[Fenugreek]] : There are several indications for fenugreek, and one of which is its ability to lower the blood sugar levels of those suffering from diabetes. According to studies, it works by slowing the absorption of sugar or glucose in the stomach. As it slows the absorption, insulin secretion by the pancreas is stimulated.