Eye Problems


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Home remedies

  • Vitamins A, C, B6, B12 and folic acid are all crucial to eye health, as are zinc and the amino acid glutathione.
  • The Omega-3 essential fatty acids EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) are absolutely vital for proper brain and eye functioning.
  • Eyebright has been used for centuries in the treatment of a number of ailments. The nutritional and herbal ingredients make it beneficial for many eye problems including ophthalmia (severe inflammation of the eye), blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids), conjunctivitis (pink eye), cataracts, stye, weeping eye, and bloodshot or strained eyes.
  • Spinach protects the eyes, good for brain function, guards against Colon Cancer, Prostate Cancer and Breast Cancer, protects against Heart Disease, stroke and dementia, it lowers blood pressure, it's anti-inflammatory and it's great for bone health.
  • Small amounts of unsweetened dark chocolate can aid visual acuity and boost memory performance.
  • Bentonite clay poultices have been used successfully by many people with eye problems. Bentonite clay pulls out toxins that cause any different eye issues and is especially good for infections and eye strain. It has even been reported to help restore vision in the instance of cataracts
  • Mix half a teaspoon of licorice root powder with half a teaspoon of honey and one fourth teaspoon of clarified butter. Take the mixture twice daily with a cup of milk on an empty stomach.
  • Mix one-half to one liter of a combination of carrot, celery, parsley, and chicory juice to help nourish the optic nerve and muscular system. Amazing results have been reported using this formula.
  • Use fennel eaten raw, made into tea or used as an eyewash to help with vision problems, including cataracts.
  • Endive juice is considered to be a very effective remedy for myopia. It can also be mixed with other beneficial juices such as carrot, parsley, and celery.
  • Cayenne is an anti-inflammatory for the mucus membranes and it increases blood flow to the eye. Use only very small amounts, well diluted with water in eye drop form.
  • Use Coleus dropped directly into the eye to increase blood flow to the eye and decrease intraocular pressure.
  • Jaborandi is an herb that grows in the rainforest. It's been used for well over 100 years in patients with glaucoma and it contains pilocarpine, an alkaloid compound which causes constriction of the pupils and reduces pressure within the eye.
  • Strange as it may seem, many report improved vision from applying mustard oil to the soles of both feet daily and at night.
  • Leeks contain the powerful phytonutrients, lutein and zeaxanthin, which help prevent Macular Degeneration and other eye disorder.
  • Bilberry is primarily used for eye conditions and to strengthen blood vessels
  • Blueberries (and their European cousins, bilberries) have positive effects on visual acuity and the prevention of Macular Degeneration.
  • Marine Phytoplankton : its high antioxidant content helps improve eyesight.
  • Astaxanthin is a red pigment found in different strains of algae, phytoplankton and plants and is extremely beneficial for your eyes.
  • Ginkgo Biloba helps in the treatment of eye and ear disorders.
  • cornflower has various applications. It has soothing and antiseptic effects and is used under the form of poultices in cases of conjunctivitis, irritations and inflammations of eye lids.
  • Witch Hazel is used for puffy eyes.
  • Adding grapes to your diet may be able to protect your eyes in old age.
  • Lycopene is a high-powered antioxidant that comes from tomatoes. Along with lutien and zeaxanthin this natural supplement can also protect your cells and tissues from free radical damage. Scientific evidence has demonstrated the protective effects of dietary tomatoes on the oxidative stress in the retinal pigment epithelium.
  • Dried figs are at the top of the dried fruit list for phenol antioxidant levels. Fruit antioxidants have demonstrated higher eye health benefits than vegetable antioxidants, including carrots, even offering protection against age related macular degeneration (ARMD), the leading cause of blindness.



Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.

Last modified on 5 October 2019, at 01:01