Gou Teng

Revision as of 13:20, 16 February 2014 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

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Other Names : Ramulus cum Uncis Uncariae, 钩藤, Uncaria Vine, Gambir

Special Precautions of Gou Teng

  • Use with caution if there is no true Heat.
  • Use with caution if there is no Liver Wind.
  • Do not use continuously alone at maximum dose for longer than four weeks.
  • This herb reverses the stimulating effect of caffeine, but does not potentiate the sedative effect of barbiturates.

Benefits and uses of Gou Teng are

  • Extinguishes Wind and alleviates spasms
    • Liver Heat Transforming into Wind with tremors, seizures and eclampsia
  • Drains Liver Heat and pacifies Liver Yang
    • Liver Fire and Liver Yang Rising with headache, irritability, red eyes and dizziness
    • Recently used for hypertension
  • Releases the Exterior
    • Exterior Wind-Heat with fever, headache and red eyes

Used in Patent Medecines


Last modified on 16 February 2014, at 13:20