Hepatitis A

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Hepatitis A (formerly known as infectious hepatitis) is an acute infectious disease of the liver caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV).
See also : Infectious Diseases


Many cases have little or no symptoms especially in the young. The time between infection and symptoms, in those who develop them, is between two and six weeks. When there are symptoms they typically last eight weeks and may include: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, yellow skin, fever, and abdominal pain. Around 10–15% of people experience a recurrence of symptoms during the six months after the initial infection. Acute liver failure may rarely occur with this being more common in the elderly.

Home remedies

  • There is no specific treatment for hepatitis A. Sufferers are advised to rest, avoid fatty foods and alcohol (these may be poorly tolerated for some additional months during the recovery phase and cause minor relapses), eat a well-balanced diet, and stay hydrated.
  • Garlic is a tasty antiviral : Garlic improves the liver's ability to metabolize and neutralize carcinogens. The sulfur compounds in garlic - the most well known is Allicin - promote the body's detoxifying activities. Laboratory studies have shown garlic to be antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal. Garlic is helpful both raw and cooked but the most effective for viral control comes from eating it raw. Add it to baked potatoes, sandwiches, salads and fermented vegetables. Pesto is a common and delicious way to eat more garlic.
  • Turmeric tames inflammation : Turmeric is an antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, antibacterial, and immune system stimulant. It also promotes production and flow of bile, protects against liver damage, reduces cholesterol and relieves arthritis. Turmeric is widely available as a dietary supplement as capsules or tinctures but it is most economical to buy the spice. Some stores have a bulk bin section for spices and this is the most cost effective option. One teaspoon is a good serving size which can be blended into into smoothies or simply stirred into a glass of water. Curry is a delicious way to add more turmeric into your diet.
  • Red Algae produce mannose-binding lectins, which allow the algae to protect themselves from invasion by viruses.
  • Licorice supports digestive and immune systems : Licorice is an immune system stimulator, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-tumor, and anti-ulcer. Licorice has a long history of use for coughs, colds and ulcers. Scientific studies have reported licorice as a modulator of the immune system. If the immune system is overactive, licorice calms it down; if it's under active licorice pumps it up. It increases the number and aggressiveness of white blood cells, stimulates interferon production, and enhances antibody formation. Licorice has a sweet taste well-loved by some people. It can be used as a tincture, powder, tea, or capsule. DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated) licorice is available as a tasty chewable tablet.
  • Castor Oil improves lymphatic circulation : Castor Oil increases circulation, improves lymphatic flow and increases lymphocyte production and activity. A castor oil pack over the liver is effective for reducing inflammation, and relief of pain. It also relieves chronic fluid retention, and congestion in the gallbladder and liver. Castor oil can be effective in preventing the growth of viruses, bacteria, yeasts and molds. For a castor oil pack use a cotton or wool flannel cloth folded in several layers and a good quality, cold-pressed oil. Saturate the cloth in oil and apply it to the skin. Put plastic over the pack to keep the oil from dripping, then wrap an old towel around the pack for more protection. A hot water bottle placed over the pack will increases the effectiveness of the treatment. It can be left in place as long as all night. Because of the antimicrobial properties of the oil the same pack can be used over again many times before discarding.
  • Cordyceps is a potent immune-boosting mushroom that has been used for many years, particularly in China, cordyceps has been known for its blood-pressure and cholesterol regulating effects. But, it’s not just good for people with heart disease; it also has been found in studies to be effective against the hepatitis virus.



Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.

Last modified on 11 October 2014, at 05:41