

379 bytes added, 18:12, 19 March 2019
/* Special Precautions of Heracleum */
Other Names : Heracleum sphondylium, Common Hogweed, Cow Parsnip, Bärenklau, Bärentatze, Bärenwurz, Branca ursina, Heracleum, Hogweed, Wiesenbärenklau<br>See also : [[Cow Parsnip]]
==Special Precautions of Heracleum==
* Only Homeopathic use.
* Many members of this genus, including many of the sub-species in this species, contain furanocoumarins. These have carcinogenic, mutagenic and phototoxic properties. For example giant hogweed (H. mantegazzianum) contains phototoxic compounds particularly furanocoumarins (angelicin, psoralen, and so on) which cause unfavorable effects on skin health.
==Health Benefits and Uses of Heracleum==
* Recommended as a spinal stimulant
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