
Indian Fumitory

23 bytes added, 16:08, 17 November 2013
Other names : Pittapapada, Pid-papra, शहतरा, Shahtra, पापड़ा, Papara, पित्तपापड़ा, Pit papra, Parpat, Parpatakam, धुकुरे Dhukure, पर्पट Parpata, पर्पटकः Parpatakah, Chatarashi, Fumaria indica (Hausskn.), Pugsley Fumaria indica
Synonyms: Fumaria parviflora var. indica, Fumaria vaillantii var. indica
==Special Precautions of FIndian Fumitory==
==Benefits and uses of Indian Fumitory are==
The plant is sold under the name pitpapra in Ayurvedic bazaars. It is also used in the Unani system of medicine and incorporated into trifala shahtara. * Indian Fumitory is used in aches and pains, diarrhoea, fever, influenza and liver complaints. * The herb mixed with honey mar be taken internally to prevent vomiting. * A cold infusion of the plant is used to treat wasting diseases of children and to help cooling during fever and in the treatment of constipation and dyspepsia. * It is used as a blood purifier for skin diseases and applied externally in leucoderma and as a fomentation for swollen joints. * The dried plant is also used as an anthelmintic, diuretic and diaphoretic and, in combination with black pepper, for jaundice.
[[Category:herbal medicine]]