
Syzygium cumini

Other names : Syzygium cumini, jambul, jambolan, jamun, Juwet
Jamblang is a kind of tribal guava fruit tree-jambuan. Plants that have a scientific name Syzygium cumini more commonly known by the name Duwet. This plant is classified as sour fruit plant fruit - fruit that comes from tropical Asia and Australia. Jamblang grown in the lowlands to an altitude of 500 above sea level.

Special Precautions of Jamblang

  • You should refrain from buying jamuns from unclean or roadside stalls as their produce might contain heavy metals like lead.
  • Jamun should not be eaten on an empty stomach since it is highly acidic and can irritate the digestive tract, giving way to acidity.
  • If you have too much jamun, you can end up with body pain and fever.
  • It might also irritate your chest and throat, thus letting the cough collect in the throat and sputum in the lungs.
  • Jamun reduces blood sugar, so people with already low levels of blood sugar should avoid it.
  • Pregnant women and lactating mothers should also steer clear of it.
  • If you just had jamun, do not drink milk or else they will react in the stomach and cause pain.

Health Benefits and uses of Jamblang are

Part of the plant can be used as medicine is bark, pulp, and seeds . The pulp can be used fresh (unprocessed) or dried. The flesh will colour the oral cavity and tongue purple. The flesh is sweet and sour, its cool , strong astringent , aromatic smell. Reduce indigestion , , laxative fart (carminative) , laxative urine ( diuretic ) , stimulates saliva , and blood glucose levels ( hypoglycemic ). Bark efficacious for laxative menstruation.

  • Reduces the risk of atherosclerosis up to 60-90 % in diabetics . This happens because the content of oleanolic acid on juwet which can suppress the role of free radicals in the formation of atherosclerosis .
  • Study in India found in his research, that fruit or juwet or Jamblang juwet potential as a male contraceptive drug.
  • The content of oleanolic acid on juwet or Jamblang and Surinam cherry ( Eugenia Uniflora ) is used by traditional healers in South America to reduce damage to the heart and liver cancer patients receiving doxorubicin chemotherapy treatment .
  • Juwet or Jamblang fruit and other species ( Eugenia caryophyllata ) cooked contains compounds that can activate the enzyme glutathione S - transferase in the liver . This enzyme has detoxifying properties . In the animal experiments , increased production of glutathione S - transferase enzymes will reduce the incidence of gastric cancer to approximately 80 % .
  • diabetes ( diabetes mellitus ) : the seeds , leaves , and bark have properties to lower blood glucose levels ( hypoglycemic effect ) in patients with type II diabetes mellitus. Ayurvedic practitioners reported that the meat fruit or Jamblang juwet can lower blood sugar levels within 30 minutes . While seed juwet or Jamblang sugar levels in 24 hours . Achieving maximum yield hypoglycemic effects of juwet or Jamblang require ten days of treatment.
  • Flesh benefits :
    • to treat chronic cough , shortness of breath ( asthma ), Useful to clean the lungs.
    • to treat whooping cough , cough in pulmonary tuberculosis accompanied by chest pain.
    • to treat stomach pain and diarrhea .
  • Seeds benefits :
    • to treat diarrhea , dysentery ,
    • to treat digestive disorders such as bloating , stomach pain , abdominal pain ,
    • to treat strychnine poisoning ( antidote unspecified ) , and
    • to treat an enlarged spleen .
  • Crops Bark benefits :
    • to treat diabetes ( diabetes mellitus )
    • to treat diarrhea .
Last modified on 3 October 2021, at 06:25