
Kali Carbonicum

308 bytes added, 08:54, 25 May 2013
/* Special Precautions of Kali Carbonicum */
Other Names : Kali Carb, Kali-c, Potassium Carbonate, Potash, Salt of Tartar, Pearl Ash
==Special Precautions of Kali Carbonicum==
*Only homeopathic use !
*Do not take homeopathic remedies without first consulting a homeopathic practitioner. Do not take several remedies at the same time as that is often discouraged in homeopathic treatment. Take the recommended dose only and immediately report any changes in condition to your doctor.
==Benefits and uses of Kali Carbonicum are==
* Coughs and Cold: Kali carb works quite well when there is a dry hacking cough that produces a yellowish type of mucus. The cough may be whooping in nature and can even cause vomiting. This homeopathic remedy is also used for recurrent colds that seem to settle in the chest and produce many other symptoms.