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Other names: Piper methysticum, kava kava, kawa, kew, yagona, sakau Kava is a tall shrub in the pepper family that grows in the South Pacific islands. It has been used there for thousands of years as a folk remedy and as a social and ceremonial beverage.

The part of the plant used medicinally is the root. Although the root was traditionally chewed or made into a beverage, kava is now available in capsule, tablet, beverage, tea, and liquid extract forms.

Special Precautions of Kava

  • It’s speculated that Kava may cause liver damage, with more than 30 reported cases in Europe and some cases in the U.S. There have also been at least 25 reports of liver related conditions including cirrhosis, liver failure, and death linked to use of products that contain the root. But it’s not yet known whether it’s because the root taken alone is toxic to the liver, or when combined with the use of other herbs and supplements. Regardless, the article recommends that kava should only be taken if recommended by your doctor and with supervision. Other than that, avoid this one at all costs. Case reports have linked kava use with liver toxicity, including hepatitis, cirrhosis, and liver failure. As a result, the FDA has issued warnings about kava. Several countries have banned or restricted the sale of kava. Adverse liver reactions appear to be linked to factors such as pre-existing liver disease, alcohol consumption, excessive doses, genetic variations in the cytochrome P450 enzymes, consumption of other drugs or herbs that, combined, may have a toxic effect, or the use of stem or leaf extracts or extracts made with acetone or ethanol. In 2007 the World Health Organization (WHO) cleared up confusion. It found that liver toxicity was limited to kava supplements that used the whole plant. Australian researcher Jerome Sarris said Pacific Islanders only used water-soluble extracts and the peeled root of the plant.
  • Side effects include indigestion, mouth numbness, skin rash, headache, drowsiness and visual disturbances. Chronic or heavy use of kava has linked to pulmonary hypertension, skin scaling, loss of muscle control, kidney damage, and blood abnormalities.
  • Kava may lower blood pressure and it also may interfere with blood clotting, so it shouldn't be used by people with bleeding disorders. People with Parkinson’s disease shouldn't use kava because it may worsen symptoms.
  • Kava should not be taken within 2 weeks of surgery. Pregnant and nursing women, children, and people with liver or kidney disease shouldn't use kava.
  • Kava shouldn't be taken by people who are taking Parkinson’s disease medications, antipsychotic drugs, or any medication that influences dopamine levels.
  • Kava shouldn't be combined with alcohol or medications for anxiety or insomnia, including benzodiazepines such as Valium (diazepam) or Ativan (lorazepam). It may have an additive effect if taken with drugs that cause drowsiness.
  • Kava may have an additive effect if combined with antidepressant drugs called monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI).
  • Kava shouldn't be taken with any drug or herb that impairs liver function. Kava also may interfere with blood clotting, so people taking Coumadin (warfarin) or any drug that influences blood clotting should avoid it unless under a doctor's supervision.
  • Kava is a diuretic, so it may have an additive effect if combined with drugs or herbs that have diuretic properties.

The benefits and uses of Kava are

The main active components in kava root are called kavalactones. Specific types of kavalactones include dihydrokavain, methysticin, kavain, dihydromethysticin, dihydrokawain, yangonin and desmethoxyyangonin. Although it’s not clear exactly how kava works, kavalactones may affect the levels of neurotransmitters (chemicals that carry messages from nerve cells to other cells) in the blood. Kava has been found to affect the levels of specific neurotransmitters, including norepinephrine, gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) and dopamine.

  • Anxiety : In 2003, a review by the Cochrane Collaboration examined the existing research to see how kava fared compared to a placebo in treating anxiety. After analyzing the 11 studies (involving a total of 645 people) that met the criteria, the researchers concluded that kava "appears to be an effective symptomatic treatment option for anxiety." However, they added that it seemed to be a small effect.
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Restlessness
  • Bladder issues
  • PMS
  • Infections, stings and inflammations
  • Convulsions and palpitations

Because kava can cause sedation, and in high amounts, intoxication, kava drinks are consumed in some parts of the world in much the same way as alcohol.

Last modified on 3 January 2020, at 10:54