Mirabilis Jalapa

Other Names : four o'clock flower, marvel of Peru
he leaves and the root of the plant are used in herbal medicines.

Special Precautions of Mirabilis Jalapa

Benefits and uses of Mirabilis Jalapa are

  • In Brazilian herbal medicine, a paste is made of the leaf and flower and applied to affections of the skin such as itchiness, eczema, herpes, skin spots, and skin infections.
  • The juice of the root is dropped into the ear for earaches.
  • Brazilians also use the root to combat worms, intestinal parasites, leucorrhoea, oedema, diarrhoea, dysentery, abdominal colic, syphilis, and liver affections.
  • A decoction of the roots is employed as a purgative. It acts to eliminate freckles and other skin discolorations.
  • As a decoction, boil 1 tablespoon of crushed roots in ½ cup of water for 5 minutes. Its pounded seeds are used in Malaya, China and Japan for making cosmetic powder.
  • Powdered root, likewise used for cosmetic preparations, mixed with rice powder and sandalwood.
  • In China, flowers are also used for cosmetic purposes.
  • The root of Mirabilis Jalapa can be consumed as a general body toner and to keep the stomach and the bowel system in good condition.
  • source of Ursolic Acid
  • source of Oleanolic Acid
Last modified on 3 January 2020, at 08:55