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Nausea is an aesthesis of discomfort and unease in the upper stomach that usually precedes an involuntary urge to vomit. It can be acute and transient but it can also be a protracted illness. When it is prolonged, it is a draining symptom that could ruin your entire day. Nausea (and vomiting) is a symptom of an underlying disease and not that of a specific illness.

There are various reasons why one would experience nausea; it can be physical or psychological in origin. It can arise from health problems in the organs of the upper part of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract – which includes the gall bladder, pancreas, liver, small intestine, stomach and esophagus – or in the brain. It could also be possibly due to pain, medication, motion and illness not related to the GI organs of the body.

Home remedies

There are medications that alleviate the sensation of nausea but they have to be taken with caution especially because of the side effects. Phenergan is a motion sickness drug that should be taken cautiously because it can impair thinking and reactions. Good thing though that Mother Nature offers us natural remedies for nausea under its broad spectrum of wonders.

  • Ginger : Best known for their aromatic, spicy and pungent characteristics, ginger is one of the most treasured spices in Asian cuisine. Apart from that, many studies were conducted and it was found out that ginger has a variety of scope in terms of medicinal purposes. Ginger claims to cause reduced pain in arthritis and contains a property that lowers the cholesterol and thins the blood thus making it a possible alternative in treating heart disease.Apart from that, it was found out in various studies that ginger has an effective outcome in treating nausea caused by morning sickness, seasickness and chemotherapy. In pregnancy, ginger offers a safe way of toning the symptoms down. Ginger can be ingested in the forms of beverages (ginger ale), capsules, tea and there are various crackers and cookies made out of ginger. But because of its pungent taste it is not advisable to consume them when you are already vomiting as it may aggravate the discomfort.
  • Herbal Teas : Various herbal teas are noted for their effectiveness in alleviating the sensation of nausea. Throughout centuries, teas made of chamomile can aid in problems of digestive origins as it contains antispasmodic qualities and it is still being used today. The Germans believe that chamomile is a “cure-all cure” to diseases while in America, it is widely used to induce sleep, to soothe and to promote relaxation. There are two types of chamomile: Roman and German. The latter is best suited as a remedy for nausea, stomach pain or bloating. Other known herbal teas that can relieve nausea are that made from ginger, peppermint and anise.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar : Another natural remedy for nausea that is commonly found in the kitchen is apple cider vinegar or ACV. This type of vinegar is used in marinades, as a salad dressing, food preservative, and vinaigrettes among others. Apart from that, ACV can also be used as a natural remedy for nausea to relieve the discomfort that it brings. It is not advisable to consume it alone because of its acidity and after taste. Instead, try to mix it honey in a 1:1 tablespoon ratio then stir it over a glass of cold water or if you prefer it lukewarm then that would be much better.
  • Peppermint : Peppermint is another traditional herbal remedy that is known to cure a variety of illness and discomforts. One important component of peppermint is menthol which is known to excite the lining of the stomach making the nerve endings numb and it has cooling properties that comforts the stomach and soothe stomach aches.The oil made out of peppermint is acknowledged to offer relief to individuals who are experiencing motion and sea sickness and nausea related to pregnancy. It works as an anaesthetic agent to the stomach wall and relieves nausea and vomiting.As aromatic as it is, peppermint is also believed to stimulate the memory centers of the brain. So for a tip, before taking an examination, acquaint yourself with important facts related to your exams over a cup of peppermint or with a sniff of peppermint oil.
  • Fructose : Also known as fruit sugar, Fructose is a simple monosaccharide that is found in plants. Along with glucose and galactose, fructose is one of the three monosaccharides that are easily absorbed into the bloodstream upon digestion.It is commonly found high in corn syrup and it seems to have a soothing effect on an upset stomach. Drinking plain cola is found to be beneficial especially to lessen the discomfort brought about nausea. Although bear in mind that this type of remedy is not applicable to clients with fructose intolerance.
  • Lemon : Lemon is an amazing fruit with various external and internal purposes both in health and in the home. Lemon has been recognized to help in alleviating the discomfort brought about by nausea although it is not yet clear on how precisely this fruit alleviates the sensation of nausea. In one research at The Ohio State University it was found out that the aroma from lemon oil did not influence the immune system in humans but they may enhance mood.Nevertheless, the next time you feel a little nauseated again, try slicing a lemon and take a deep breath. This remedy will aid in comforting your upset stomach but if ever worse comes to worst and you feel more nauseated or not relieved at all then scroll back up and try the other five natural ways to aid your discomfort.
  • Studies suggest that eugenol, a compound in basil, can keep your gut safe from pain, nausea, cramping, or diarrhea by killing off bacteria such as Salmonella and Listeria.


Again, as mentioned above, nausea is not a disease alone but rather a symptom of an underlying illness. It is important to note though that prolonged periodic episodes of nausea may indicate a serious condition and it should be reported to your physician. On cases such as pregnancy, it is quite normal on the first trimester and is mostly accompanied by vomiting. This is due to certain changes in hormones and it is not something to worry about, not unless it is continuous and excessive, although the discomfort could really make a difference in your day.


Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.

Last modified on 24 December 2011, at 02:29