Polarity Therapy

Polarity Therapy

Polarity therapy is a system of holistic healthcare based on an understanding of the flow of life energy. Life energy must flow correctly to maintain optimum health. The body reflects in its structure and function the sum total of our 'history'. This is encoded in the energy fields that surround the body and interpenetrate it. So one can regard the physical body as being 'woven' from these energy fields.
Polarity Therapy incorporates 4 distinct aspects:

  • Verbal interaction and coaching / Open communication : A typical Polarity therapy appointment starts with open communication. Questions focus on lifestyle, exercise, and dietary habits. Factors such as environment, attitudes, relationships, life experience, and trauma affect the functioning of the human energy field. An overall assessment of mental and emotional health is also part of Polarity therapy.
  • Nutritional guidelines and special cleanses : Polarity nutrition is a key point and works together with Polarity exercises to balance the energy system. Specific exercises, foods or gentle cleanses may be suggested. You are encouraged to discuss these ideas with your medical health care team before making any exercise or dietary changes. Polarity therapy is an adjunct, but never a substitute for supervised medical care. The suggestions made during your appointment encourage a return to vitality and balance through natural means, exercise and health building foods. Since Polarity Therapy involves such a broad spectrum, it interfaces with the practice of many therapeutic disciplines. This is the prelude to successful Polarity energy bodywork, which will now further release blockages and free the flow of the life force.
  • Exercises also known as Polarity yoga
  • Energy balancing bodywork : Polarity’s hands-on bodywork applies static and moving touch that can be light or deep; and sometimes a rocking motion is also used. Reflexology and acupressure are part of this practice, so is CranioSacral Therapy.

Special Precautions and Side Effects of Polarity Therapy

Highly emotional releases of energy (laughter, tears, or a combination of both) are associated with this therapy.

Health Benefits of Polarity Therapy

Polarity therapy unblocks and recharges the flow of life energy and realigns unbalanced energy as a means of eliminating disease. Patients learn to release tension by addressing the source of the stress and by maintaining a healthy demeanor accordingly. This treatment may be effective to promote health and healing to anyone willing to embrace the appropriate lifestyle. Polarity therapy is reportedly effective for anyone who has been exposed to toxic poisons. Likewise, HIV-positive individuals may find comfort in polarity therapy. Additionally this is an appropriate therapy for relieving general stress, back pain, stomach cramps, and other recurring maladies and conditions. Polarity therapy has proven useful with conditions such as allergies, arthritis, asthma, burn out, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, circulatory problems, depression, digestive disorders, mental and emotional disturbances, fibromyalgia, headache, health maintenance, hormonal imbalances, infertility, inflammation, injury, insomnia, major life changes, menopausal symptoms, menstrual disorders, neuralgia, PMS, pre and post surgery, pregnancy and post partum, sciatica, skin disorders, spiritual growth, stress management, and stress related symptoms. Furthermore, with Polarity unresolved trauma can be accessed and healed.

Last modified on 11 April 2017, at 14:03