Ponderosa Pine

Pinus ponderosa

Other NamesĀ : Pinus ponderosa, yellow pine
one of the most widely distributed tree species in the West, growing from southern Canada into Mexico, and from Nebraska and Oklahoma all the way to the Pacific Coast. The National Register of Big Trees lists a Ponderosa Pine that is 235 ft (72 m) tall and 324 in (820 cm) in circumference.

Special Precautions of Ponderosa Pine

Listed in Potentially Carcinogenic Essential Oils

Health Benefits and Uses of Ponderosa Pine

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, sedative, mucolytic, immunostimulant, anti-infectious and tonifying. Diffuse with Tangerine oil to aid immunity during a stressful time.

Last modified on 25 December 2018, at 12:44