Rectal Cancer

See also : Colon Cancer


  • Ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. A person who has had a condition that causes inflammation of the colon (such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease) for many years is at increased risk of developing colorectal cancer.
  • Cigarette smoking. A person who smokes cigarettes may be at increased risk of developing polyps and colorectal cancer.
  • Diet. A diet high in fat and cholesterol and low in fiber has been linked to a greater risk of developing colorectal cancer.
  • Lifestyle factors. You may be at increased risk for developing colorectal cancer if you drink alcohol, smoke, don't get enough exercise, and if you are overweight.
  • Diabetes. People with diabetes have a 30% to 40% increased risk of developing colon cancer.

Home remedies

  • Ginger and its constituents have been studied to inhibit Rectal Cancer.
  • Ganoderma Tsugae inhibit colorectal cancer cell growth.
  • Coffee : Some research suggests that drinking more than 3 cups of coffee daily may significantly reduce the risk of rectal cancer.


It should be noted that self-treating Cancer (or any other chronic condition) and avoiding or delaying standard care may be resulting in worsening condition or even incurabilty of the disease.


Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.

Last modified on 11 July 2017, at 13:50