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Other Names : red bush, Aspalathus linearis, Aspalathus contaminatus, Borbonia pinifolia, Green Red Bush, Infusion Rooibos, Kaffree Tea, Psoralea linearis, Red Bush, Rooibos Rouge, Rooibos Tea, Té Rojo, Té Rojo Rooibos, Thé Rooibos, Thé Rouge.
Unlike other teas, Rooibos comes from a South African plant – Aspalanthus linearis. A herb from South Africa, rooibos has been made into tea and enjoyed for generations. It is a broom-like legume and comes in both red and green varieties. The most available is the red, which is oxidized, giving it the reddish-brown color of tea and a slightly sweet taste.The green variety is unoxidized and is processed in a manner similar to that of green tea, making the end product a bit more expensive, and subsequently less popular and a bit more difficult to find. It does have twice the flavonoids as the red. The flavor is described as 'malty and slightly grassy' - somewhat different than the red variety.Like other teas, rooibos has flavonoids that act as antioxidants, making it popular with the health conscious. It is also low in tannins compared to most black teas, and is caffeine-free. Rooibos is rich in many minerals including iron, calcium, potassium, copper, fluoride, manganese, zinc, magnesium and alpha hydroxy.

Special Precautions of Rooibos

  • Major components of Rooibos tea are metabolized in the liver, so this herbal remedy is not recommended for those with compromised liver function.
  • Rooibos may have some limited estrogenic effects, which may be contra-indicated for those with estrogen-related cancers or other hormone-sensitive conditions.

The benefits of Rooibos are

  • Antioxidant : Although green tea has slightly higher antioxidant levels than red tea does, rooibos tea health benefits still comes in at a close second. Green tea’s prime flavonoid (which acts as an antioxidant) is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), whereas rooibos’s main flavonoids are aspalathin and nothofagin. Surprisingly, one in vitro study showed that aspalathin destroys free radicals more effectively than EGCG does, rooibos tea health benefits suggesting that even though red tea doesn’t have the highest antioxidant levels, it carries a mighty antioxidant punch. he flavonoid aspalathin carries many other health benefits, as well. By decreasing the production of adrenal hormones, aspalathin helps alleviate stress and suppresses metabolic disorders. Aspalathin also helps to…
    • Reduce excessive fat production
    • Balances blood sugar
    • Improve glucose tolerance
    • Increases glucose absorption in muscle
    • Increases insulin secretion in the pancreas
  • Stress : According to research conducted by a team from the university’s biochemistry department, there are a number of compounds present in rooibos (Afrikaans, meaning "red bush") that interfere with the production of the stress hormone called cortisol. The team focused on two compounds, namely aspalathin, which is unique to rooibos, and nothofagin. Both compounds contribute to the stress-lowering effect tea drinkers usually experience when sipping on rooibos.
  • Diabetes and cardiovascular diseases : Phenylpropenoic acid glycoside (PAGG). Research with mice has indicated that PPAG protects the beta cells against various harmful effects of a diet rich in fat. Within the beta cells, the substance stimulates the effective functioning of the membrane system which carries out the synthesis, collection and transport of insulin. Cells also generally become more resistant against premature cell death caused by certain saturated fatty acids. With regard to tissue, the administration of PPAG resulted in a tripling of the beta cell mass. This indicates that PPAG, in its natural as well as synthetic form, could be a very helpful substance in the prevention and treatment of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Aspalathin and PAGG protect against various factors which provoke these problems, such as insulin resistance and a diet rich in fat and sugar.
  • Reduces heart disease by providing protection through ACE inhibition
  • Cancer : Contains quercetin and luteolin, which are known to have cancer fighting qualities
  • reduces your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Is an anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-mutagenic and anti-spasmodic
  • lowers your risk for Alzheimer's disease.
  • HIV : Rooibos alleviates The Symptoms Of HIV. Symptoms that accompany HIV are relieved when Rooibos is taken. Studies show when this tea is taken religiously it prevents rapid progression of HIV.
  • Cholesterol : Reduced cholesterol oxidation, a primary cause of heart disease, lowers levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, Increases levels of HDL (good) cholesterol
  • Eases nervous tension, allergies and digestive problems
  • Limits uric acid production, which can help gout sufferers
  • Soothes asthma and eczema
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Cures nagging headaches
  • Fights insomnia
  • Strengthens bones and teeth
  • Relieves severe stomach cramps
  • Eases hypertension/lowers blood pressure
  • Is considered to have anti-aging properties
  • Prevents DNA damage
  • Aids in liver tissue regeneration
  • Acts as a bronchodilator
  • Restful Sleep : Consumption of Rooibos Tea helps in relaxation thus promoting a restful sleep. It also stimulates the release of serotonin and melatonin which aids in sleep.
  • Infant Colic : Rooibos provides relief to infant colic by soothing the stomach. Mix Rooibos Tea with the child’s formula milk during his/her meals.
  • Helps to Prevent Blood Clots : It inhibits platelet aggregation which prevents formation of blood clots that can cause potential heart problems.
  • Helps to Prevent Complications Of Cardiovascular Disease : Since it has anticoagulant properties and helps relieve hypertension, it prevents complications of cardiovascular disease such as stroke and a heart attack.
  • Helps to Promote Circulation : Rooibos Tea dilates blood vessels which help promote circulation to other parts of the body.
  • Prevents Toxins From Entering Liver : It has antioxidant properties that aid in liver tissue regeneration and prevents toxins from entering the organ.