Sweet Cicely

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Myrrhis odorata
Other Names : Myrrhis odorata, British Myrrh, Anise, Great (Sweet) Chervil, Sweet Chervil, Smooth Cicely, Sweet Bracken, Sweet-fern, Sweet-Cus, Sweet-Humlock, Sweets, The Roman Plant, Shepherd's Needle, Smoother Cicely, Cow Chervil, Roomse Kervel
a plant belonging to the family Apiaceae, native to Central Europe; it's the sole species in the genus Myrrhis.

Special Precautions of Sweet Cicely

Many members of the Apiaceae family (formerly called Umbelliferae family) are highly poisonous (e.g. Hemlock), others are edible and several have been cultivated such as parsley, coriander and carrot. Few members of the family are above ground right now but when foraging for Sweet Cicely, as ever, you should consult a good feild guide before deciding to pick. If in any doubt don’t pick or taste.

Health Benefits and Uses of Sweet Cicely

Aromatic, stomachic, carminative and expectorant.

  • Useful in coughs and flatulence, and as a gentle stimulant for debilitated stomachs.
  • The fresh root may be eaten freely or used in infusion with brandy or water.
  • A valuable tonic for girls from 15 to 18 years of age.
  • The roots are antiseptic, and a decoction is used for the bites of vipers and mad dogs
  • The distilled water is said to be diuretic, and helpful in pleurisy, and the essence to be aphrodisiac.
  • The decoction of roots in wine is also said to be effective for consumption, in morning and evening doses of 4 to 8 OZ., while the balsam and ointment cure green wounds, stinking ulcers, and ease the pain of gout.
  • A simple tea can be made from the fresh leaves and stems, which is said to help releive indigestion and possibly help calm coughs.
  • diuretic, promotes urinating, which has a favorable effect on bladder symptoms.
  • Blood purifying.
  • Promotes sweating
  • Reduces Side stitch (also called side ache, side cramp)
  • has an Anti-worm effect.
  • Appetizing
  • Against sore throat (gargling with it)
  • Accelerates healing of wounds and skin rash (external)
  • Has a beneficial effect on colds.
  • Strengthens a weak stomach.
  • Diminishes fatigue and fatigue in the elderly.
  • Cheap and rich source of vitamin C.