
Other Names : Syph, Syphilis

Special Precautions of Syphilinum

  • Only homeopathic use !
  • Do not take homeopathic remedies without first consulting a homeopathic practitioner. Do not take several remedies at the same time as that is often discouraged in homeopathic treatment. Take the recommended dose only and immediately report any changes in condition to your doctor.

Benefits and uses of Syphilinum are

  • Ulcers: These are ulcers that appear on the surface of the skin in the form of boils and abscesses, and they often discharge some sort of pus. They may also appear as mouth ulcers as well, and in either case they are greatly helped by using the homeopathic remedy of syphilinum.
  • Asthma: This is the typical asthma condition which is so often accompanied by wheezing and a feeling of breathlessness. There may also be a dry cough and a tightness in the chest that can’t seem to be eased by anything but turning to this homeopathic remedy.
  • Constipation: This is a problem that tends to appear and plague the individual for a number of years. Sluggish bowels may be part of this condition, accompanied by spasms in the bowel. The rectum may even feel too tight to pass bowels at times.
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior: There are varying degrees and types of obsessive-compulsive behavior, and all may benefit from syphilinum as a homeopathic remedy. The physical and the mental issues that are a part of this condition can be difficult to contend with, depending on the extent of the condition. An individual may end up turning to substance abuse as an out to this behavior that makes them feel out of control.
  • Menstrual Problems and Miscarriage: Usually there are painful or scanty periods associated with this type of menstrual problems. Oftentimes there is excessive vaginal discharge. Syphilinum may also work as a homeopathic remedy for a woman who has repeated or excessive miscarriages and who can’t find help elsewhere.
  • Eye Inflammation: There may be an ulcer on the cornea that is contributing to the inflamed iris. There is often discharge in the form of pus or mucus that can be helped by turning to this homeopathic remedy.
  • Headaches: This is the type of headache that feels as though it starts deep in the brain and runs over the right eye. An individual may feel increased pain if they stick out their tongue, and this is an indication that they will benefit from the use of Syphilinum.

Profile Type

The people who benefit most from this remedy tend to be very anxious and lack a good memory. They have a difficult time concentrating and all of this may result in their developing an obsessive-compulsive disorder. This can possibly manifest into some form of substance abuse. Those that fit the homeopathic profile also tend to be rather destructive in their nature and their approach, often showing little regard for themselves. They may even have suicidal thoughts from time to time.

Last modified on 25 May 2013, at 06:19