
Wheat Grass

697 bytes added, 15:47, 30 November 2014
/* Special Precautions of Wheat Grass */
* Some individuals are allergic to wheatgrass, so seek immediate medical attention if you experience hives or swelling in your throat after ingesting the juice.
* Drug Interactions : Wheatgrass is high in Vitamin K, which can cause the body to form blood clots. For this reason, the National Institutes of Health cautions those who take the prescription medication Warfarin (also called Coumadin) to limit the foods they consume that are high in this vitamin because it can limit the drug's effects, possibly increasing the risk of heart attack or stroke. Other foods that include high quantities of Vitamin K include kale, spinach, turnip greens, collards, Swiss chard and mustard greens. If you are taking Warfarin, speak to your doctor before you try wheat grass. It's all right to eat some foods that contain Vitamin K, but you should eat them consistently and in small doses.
*Not Recommended During Pregnancy : Many foods, drugs, activities and other factors can affect the health and safety of pregnant women and the babies they are carrying. Check with a doctor before you take any food product or herb that claims to benefit health. Wheatgrass has not been studied adequately regarding its possible side effects it might have on a developing fetus, so responsible health care practitioners advise against starting a wheatgrass juice regimen during pregnancy, just to be safe. Nursing mothers also should avoid taking wheatgrass because it might contain contaminants (as its production process isn't scrutinized in the same way as more closely regulated food products).
==The benefits of Wheat Grass are==
Bureaucrat, administrator