

6 bytes added, 16:00, 13 May 2018
/* Health Benefits and uses of Witlof */
*Rich in [[potassium]]; a mineral that, together with chlorine and sodium, is involved in regulating fluid balance and blood pressure in the body.
* Vitamin C : Witlof is a source of vitamins and contains no fats, so this makes the vegetables super healthy for the body. One of the most important vitamins in Witlof is vitamin C. Vitamin C can not be produced by our body itself and we therefore have to get in through our food, for example by eating Witlof. Vitamin C helps to fight diseases and can even prevent cancer. A general practitioner can recommend taking extra vitamin C in case of a cold. This combats the symptoms of a cold and makes you better. So take an extra Witlof with a cold.
* Diarrhea : You have probably heard that a biscuit is good against a stomach that is upset. Witlof, on the other hand, works much better against diarrhea than a biscuit. In Witlof are certain fibers and probiotics that ensure that your body is restored in a natural way. Probiotics such as Witlof contain bacteria that also contain are beneficial for your intestinal flora. They ensure that your intestines are healthier and recover faster from diarrhea. So it is better to eat a plate full of Witlof instead of a biscuit.
* The German Commission E, in 1990 published that the dried parts, above ground or below, of the Chicory can be used for loss of appetite and dyspepsia. Also stated that this herb contains bitter principles, Inulin and pentosans.
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