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Pedicularis canadensis

Other Names : Pedicularis canadensis, Beefsteak Plant, Canadian Lousewort, Betony, High Heal-all, Snaffles, Canada Lousewort, Canadian Lousewort, Forest Lousewort, American Lousewort, Common Lousewort, Lousewort, Early lousewort, Canada wood betony, Early Wood Lousewort and Head betony.
Forest lousewort is an attractive native perennial that is a hemiparasite (partially parasitic) on grasses and other plants, but will grow in the absence of suitable hosts.

Special Precautions of Wood Betony

The plant is said to be poisonous to sheep

Health Benefits and Uses of Wood Betony

Wood Betony is considered a medicinal and edible herb, much used by Native Americans and prized for it's medicinal and aphrodisiac qualities.

  • Roots are blood tonic, cardiac and stomachic.
  • Tea is used in the treatment of stomach aches, ulcers, and diarrhea, anemia and heart troubles.
  • Poultice of the root is applied to swellings, sore muscles and tumors.
  • Finely grated roots were secretly added to food as an alleged aphrodisiac.
  • An infusion of the leaves has been used to procure an abortion.
  • An infusion of the fresh or dried leaves has been used to treat a sore throat.
  • Native Americans used the roots to reduce internal or external swelling by tea or poultice respectively.
  • Medicinal infusion of the roots is used as blood tonic, cardiac for anemia and heart troubles and to treat stomach aches, ulcers, and bloody diarrhea.
  • Medicinal poultice of the crushed root is applied to swellings, sore muscles, varicose veins, and tumors.
  • Roots are finely grated and added to food as an aphrodisiac.
  • Medicinal infusion of the fresh leaves or dried herb has been used to treat a sore throat, tonsillitis, cough and bronchitis.
  • Infusion also used to treat headaches, dizziness, urinary, bladder and kidney pain.
  • Wash or dip in a strong decoction is used to rid animals and people of lice and scabies.
  • Fresh or dried plant is used as an external wash or vulnerary for minor scrapes, abrasions, and skin injuries.
  • Tea of the leaves and roots, taken internally, acts as a skeletal muscle relaxant.
  • An infusion of the leaves has been used to procure an abortion.
  • It is useful as a relaxant herb for muscle tension, and it helps relieve neck and back pain.
  • It can be used as massage oil for spasming muscles and neck tension. For a massage oil blend, mix pedicularis with other musculo-skeletal herbs such as cramp bark, goldenrod, and mullein root to ease back tension. Add St. John’s wort if sharp, shooting nerve pain is present.
  • As a tincture it is used for a muscle relaxant for the upper shoulders and neck.
  • A skeletal muscle relaxant formula of Pedicularis in combination with Skullcapand Black Cohosh will relieve muscle tension specific to the upper and lower back, but will not relieve any pain associated with tension.
  • It was secretly, perhaps maliciously, put in the food of an intended as an aphrodisiac.
  • Leaves and stems are cooked as pot herb. The active constituents in the plant are betaine, betulinic-acid, caffeic-acid, chlorogenic-acid, harpagide, rosmarinic-acid, and tannin.
  • As an alternative medicine it is an emmenagogue , anodyne, anti-tumor, aphrodisiac, blood tonic, cardiac, poultice, stomachic. A medicinal infusion of the roots is used as blood tonic, cardiac for anemia and heart troubles and to treat stomach aches, ulcers, and bloody diarrhea.
  • A medicinal poultice of the crushed root is applied to swellings, sore muscles, varicose veins, and tumors. The roots are finely grated and added to food as an aphrodisiac.
  • A medicinal infusion of the fresh leaves or dried herb has been used to treat a sore throat, tonsillitis, cough and bronchitis. Infusion also used to treat headaches, dizziness, urinary, bladder and kidney pain. Wash or dip in a strong decoction is used to rid animals and people of lice and scabies.
  • Some native Americans called the root the 'Enticer root' and carried it as a charm when bent on seduction; the root was also used to heal ruptured marriages by placing it in food the couple would both eat with the hope it would make them love each other again.
  • A root tea was used by Native Americans for internal swellings and a root poultice for external swellings. Also used for digestive problems and in cough medicines Early herbal healers considered the entire plant a tonic, sedative and astringent.