

1,004 bytes added, 16:04, 19 June 2012
/* Home remedies */
* A [[thyme]]-based tincture has proven to be a effective.
* sweet [[basil]] oil and [[Holy Basil]] oil can help combat acne.
* Lemon juice, H2O2, willow bark, aloe, echinacea and goldenseal : Mix in a bowl or container some lemon juice, a small amount of hydrogen peroxide, willow bark powder, echinacea and goldenseal. Mix together and use this solution as an astringent. Apply w/ cotton balls or tissue and leave it on your face to dry. Once it dries, put aloe vera on your skin. Do this twice daily after first washing your face.
*Fresh basil leaves : Take a small handful of fresh basil leaves (available at most grocery stores). Let the leaves simmer in two cups of water for about 15 minutes and then put the mixture in the refrigerator to chill. Apply the mixture to troubled areas or your entire face with a cotton ball. Gets rid of acne and also helps with any existing scarring.
*Egg white : Dab a little egg white on pimples and leave it on overnight or sometimes apply it all over your face or affected area. You'll likely notice results the next morning. Pimples/zits are reduced or gone, and your skin feels great.
== Warnings ==