Nu Zhen Zi

Revision as of 11:36, 16 February 2014 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

Other Names : Glossy Privet Fruit, Fructus Ligustri Lucidi, 女贞子

Special Precautions of Nu Zhen Zi

Contraindicated in those with diarrhea from Spleen and Stomach cold from deficiency.

Benefits and uses of Nu Zhen Zi are

Since ancient times, ligustrum has been used as a yin tonic in traditional Chinese medicine. It was often used in combination with astragalus to treat various conditions, including tinnitus and premature aging. Recent studies conducted in China suggest that ligustrum stimulates the immune system, fights inflammation, and helps protect the liver. Some studies suggest it improves vision and can relieve the symptoms of rheumatism and pneumonia.

used in Patent Medecines

Last modified on 16 February 2014, at 11:36