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You’ve been hearing about calcium and bone health forever -- but did you know that magnesium and calcium are like conjoined twins? Calcium can’t even be absorbed unless magnesium is present. Without it, calcium is much less effective in maintaining your bones and regulating your nerve and muscle tone.In fact, new research shows that Americans need far more magnesium than the current RDI -- and that you should really be consuming twice as much magnesium as calcium for optimal health. A proven protector against Colon Cancer, this mineral is integral for maintaining the health of bones and teeth, blood clotting, and cellular metabolism. Excellent sources include: nuts and seeds, carrot juice, dark green vegetables, salmon and sardines.Milk is rich in calcium and when there are high amounts of calcium in the body, it inhibits the release of a hormone called Calcitriol, which is responsible for storing fat in the body (obesity)