Claytonia Perfoliata

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Claytonia Perfoliata

Other Names : Indian lettuce, spring beauty, winter purslane, miner's lettuce, Montia perfoliata, Winterpostelein

Special Precautions of Claytonia Perfoliata

Health Benefits and uses of Claytonia Perfoliata are

Miner's lettuce is rich in vitamins A and C. I also contains many trace minerals. Miner's lettuce can be juiced for concentrated effects during a juice fast. Cleansing teas using liver herbs can also be ingested during this time to adjunct the benefits of this wild springtime cleanser.

  • to cleanse the body : Miners green is one of these purifying greens that helps to fortify and filter our blood and lymph systems when consumed.
  • Detox : Being high in chlorophyll, in addition to mentioned antioxidant-rich nutrients, like Vitamin C, the lettuce can be a great detoxifier, helping to eliminate environmental toxins and heavy metals stored in the liver.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids : Miners lettuce is closely related to the wild purslane plant. This is evident through its similar thick and succulent-type leaves. Purslane is known for its higher levels of Omega-3 fatty acids which are prevalent in all green leafy vegetables to certain degrees.
