Deer Velvet

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Other Names : Andouiller de Cerf, Antler Velvet, Bois de Cerf, Bois de Cerf Rouge, Bois de Chevreuil, Bois de Velours, Bois de Wapiti, Cervus elaphus, Cervus nippon, Cornu Cervi Parvum, Deer Antler, Deer Antler Velvet, Elk Antler, Elk Antler Velvet, Horns of Gold, Lu Rong, Nokyong, Rokujo, Terciopelo de Cuerno de Venado, Velours de Cerf, Velvet Antler, Velvet Dear Antler, Velvet of Young Deer Horn.
Deer velvet covers the growing bone and cartilage that develops into deer antlers.
See also : Lu Jiao Jiao

Special Precautions of Deer Velvet

Hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids: Deer velvet might act like estrogen. If you have any condition that might be made worse by exposure to estrogen, don’t use deer velvet.

Health Benefits and uses of Deer Velvet are

Deer velvet contains multiple substances including the female sex hormones estrone and estradiol. It also contains substances which may help cells grow and function. Some alternative medicine proponents claim that deer antler velvet acts as an adaptogen (i.e., a class of natural products said to increase the body's resistance to the negative effects of chronic stress). It's also commonly used in treatment or prevention of the following health issues:

  • arthritis : Deer antler velvet shows promise in the treatment of osteoarthritis, according to a research review published in the New Zealand Medical Journal in 2012. In their analysis of seven previously published clinical trials testing the use of deer antler velvet for a variety of health conditions, the review's authors found some evidence that the product may be effective against osteoarthritis.
  • asthma
  • back pain
  • colds
  • headache
  • high blood pressure
  • high cholesterol
  • indigestion
  • migraines
  • osteoporosis: A preliminary study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in 2013 suggests that deer antler velvet may help stave off osteoporosis. In tests on rats, scientists observed that deer antler velvet may help prevent bone loss in part by inhibiting the action of pro-inflammatory cells known to speed up the breakdown of bone.
  • premenstrual syndrome
  • Deer antler velvet is also said to strengthen the immune system, boost athletic performance, enhance sexual function, alleviate pain, sharpen memory, stimulate circulation, improve eyesight, and offer anti-aging benefits.
  • In addition, deer antler velvet is purported to increase testosterone levels and, in turn, protect against a host of health problems linked to low testosterone (such as erectile dysfunction, low sex drive, and depleted energy).
